3rd times a charm?

So, ok... this is the 3rd time I am trying this. I did well on making the lifestyle change at first, but as time went on, I reversed. I had even made it so far that I could run 2 miles non-stop, which was AWESOME for me. Now, again, I can't even walk 1/2 mile without getting winded.

I am married, with 5 kids, so you would think I would have more energy! But, alas, I do not. I can barely wrestle around with my boys without feeling like I am going to pass out. I don't want to feel like this. I want my wife and kids to have a husband/father that is there for them to play with and one that can keep up with them.

I have no clue as far as weight/strength training. I do pretty well with my eating, and then being able to do cardio - like I said I was able to make it all the way to jogging 2 miles nonstop. I would like to learn more about the weight and strength aspect. As a note, I have no access to weights, other than my body. Any help would be appreciated there!

Thanks, and maybe this time it will stick?


  • Wisemomoffour
    Wisemomoffour Posts: 125 Member
    You're on here--that's a huge start!! I am married with 4 kids and have started/ended/started this weight loss thing a million times, but I THINK this time is working. Feel free to add me as a friend--I'm on here every day and would love to support you. I know that you will be running 2 miles w/o stopping and wrestling with your boys before you know it!
  • DonnaQ25
    DonnaQ25 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey there, your willing to change is the biggest and first step. Baby steps, every little helps. Start by going for a walk the first week every day for half an hour. The week later add a little run every 5 mins, run for 1 min. Give urself little challenges, that way it won't seem so daunting. All the best :)
  • BeastField
    BeastField Posts: 463 Member
    Thanks! FR sent and accepted!
  • PlumeriaToo
    PlumeriaToo Posts: 188 Member
    I applaud you for working to shape up for your family and yourself. I'm not in a position to help with exercise advice but encouragement, I can offer. I lost 40 pounds on here and as I reached that 40-pound point I had a fall and surgery so I've gained back 30 of it so that is where I am on this journey but I'm back to try to lose at least the 50 pounds I'd planned on in the beginning. Only 2 days in this time and feeling like I will accomplish this! Add me if you like.
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    Third time, fourth time, this time, last time...I"ve been there, too! But, you're here!! :happy: I don't have a lot of useful info, but I do know that using your own bodywieght as resistance can be plenty. Lunges, squats, push ups, planks. tricep dips are all things I can think of off the top of my head that you can do at home without any extra weights. A gallon of liquid weighs around 8#. Save 2 milk jugs and right there you have hand weights:smile: If you'd like, you can add me.
  • lisatrish
    lisatrish Posts: 123 Member
    The fact that you are still trying is testament to how much you want this - you haven't given up. Four weeks ago I was getting winded walking up the stairs at work and today after working out for four weeks the stairs are no longer my enemy. Good luck on your journey. If you'd like add me as a friend.
  • Charlie372
    Charlie372 Posts: 1 Member
    This site has a ton (almost) of workouts to do that require only you! Perhaps you will find it beneficial. :)
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    Look up choosemyplate.gov... i think?
    look up strong lifts 5X5. excellent program. (for strength)
    Log your food consistently and accurately and make sure to get both some cardio and strength training.
    Figure out your tdee (fitness frog calculator or scooby work shop... google them)
    eat at a modest deficit.
    Don't completely deny yourself the things you love to eat, just learn to fit them into your goals and work for them.
    Once you get this, you got it and there is no failing because its sustainable. GL to you.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,871 Member
    This is not about ending anything, it is about beginning. You took a hiatus, welcome back!