A little guidence on calorie limits

Hello all,

I have been a little confused when it comes to how many calories I should be eating daily to lose weight. I have been eating between 1200-1300 calories per day, I work out with a trainer twice a week and I do a 30min cardio and 30min strength training workout by myself at least 2 times a week but most weeks more like 3. I am 5'6 and currently weigh 213.

I have started to do some research into what I should be at calorie wise, and It looks like all agree that 1300 is pretty low. I want to lose weight but I want to be healthy, and want to do it the right way.

I looked into calculating my BMR and it spits out this:
You have a BMR of 1774.25.

From what I understand
Moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55

So I should be at 1774.25x1.55 =2750 Calories per day

But then to lose weight I should subtract 500 per day to lose 1lb a week? So really 2250?

Is this right, or am i totally off the mark?

If I want to try to make a go of 2lbs per week would 1550 be to low or should I be closer to 1750(2250-1000)?

Thank you for you feedback!


  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I think your math is correct. That sounds right for your BMR and your TDEE, so yes, eating at 2250 should cause you to lose a pound each week. I wouldn't go below your BMR, personally, so if you want to lose 2lb/week I would do 1750 (just about your BMR). I know a lot of people do it and have success but I think below that you're going to lose more lean muscle than you really want to, and you are doing strength training so you need the nutrients.