The joy of Intervals

You know when you are just feeling it!!!! Today was one of those days...Was up before the birds this morning and did a very nice easy relaxing warm up 3 miles and then went to work....but now the fun begins :)

Went out after work and ran intervals....

Interval #1 - 2 miles in 15:03
Rest for 5 minutes

Interval #2 - 2 miles in 14:51
Rest for 5 minutes

Interval #3 - 3 Miles in 21:09
Going to Olive Garden LOL

I will say that running intervals is NOT one of my favorite things to do BUT....there is something to said about doing speed work even for us long distance guys...I am amazed at how much better my long runs go after interval days....running 15 or 16 or 17 miles at an 8 minute pace seems easy compared to running in the mid to low 7's for much shorter distances....


  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Nice job on your run! I used to hate intervals but now they are my favorite (who doesn't like a break?)....loathing tempo runs right now, and I think that is a side-effect of the intervals if you want the truth. :)
    I love the "going to olive garden" comment at the end of the last
  • NavySailor
    NavySailor Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks Archy and AK, the endless pasta bowl was worth it!!!!!