Hey lets get each other motivated ..

I am 25 years old and finally decided to get my life back together.I have done this before where i lost a lot and then put it all back plus some more :( .But one day (25th sept 13) I decided to change my lifestyle and some other root causes and ever since then i haven't looked back.Its been almost 5 months and i have lost 20 kilos and i want to lose 15 more.I achieved this without going to the gym.I basically exercised at home,ate right and now i also swim. I would appreciate anyone other there who can help me and keep me motivated and would love to do the same for someone.:smile:


  • canwenotgothere
    I am 25 years old and finally decided to get my life back together.I have done this before where i lost a lot and then put it all back plus some more :( .But one day (25th sept 13) I decided to change my lifestyle and some other root causes and ever since then i haven't looked back.Its been almost 5 months and i have lost 20 kilos and i want to lose 15 more.I achieved this without going to the gym.I basically exercised at home,ate right and now i also swim. I would appreciate anyone other there who can help me and keep me motivated and would love to do the same for someone.:smile:

    Hi :) I, like you, have also lost weight before and gained it back :( It sucks. I started my weight loss journey on the 4th September 2012 and I'm still here :( I have lost 31lbs so far so I'm pretty happy with my progress but worried and scared because before I lost 34lbs and gained 20 of them back which I don't want again !!! 20 Kilos in 5 months is an amazing achievement - you should be proud of yourself. I would also like to lose 15 kilos / about 33 more lbs. I don't go to the gym either, I can't afford it - it's too expensive! What exercises do you do at home? I use the exercise bike, jog on the spot, or do fitness dvds (Jillian Michaels is really good and YouTube is really useful). For exercise, I walk most places I go and tend to jog/walk/power walk outside when the weather is nicer. How much more weight are you aiming to lose? x
  • deeptirao1
    hey :)
    Thats awesome that you lost so much. I usually swim and the days that i don't swim, i do the jillian michaels 30 day shred and as you rightly said Youtube helps a lot ;). Now i plan do swim in the morning and do the level 1 of JM in the evenings coz i feel i have sorta hit a plateau :( . I am kinda lazy when it comes to walking but these days been trying take stairs as much as possible. I do want to lose about 15 more kilos.
  • canwenotgothere
    hey :)
    Thats awesome that you lost so much. I usually swim and the days that i don't swim, i do the jillian michaels 30 day shred and as you rightly said Youtube helps a lot ;). Now i plan do swim in the morning and do the level 1 of JM in the evenings coz i feel i have sorta hit a plateau :( . I am kinda lazy when it comes to walking but these days been trying take stairs as much as possible. I do want to lose about 15 more kilos.

    That's good! I have never learnt to swim and I really want to :( I must do it once I've lost the weight I want to and am comfortable and ready in time for summer! It's a shame because it's one of those exercises that moves the whole of your body and burns a lot of calories and looks peaceful at the same time. I did start to do the 30 Day Shred, but jesus, it is so hard! I've only done Level 1 and I only managed to do 9 days at the longest. It's a good exercise and everything but I find it tends to reduce inches rather than pounds, which some may find good, but I get a lot more satisfaction seeing higher numbers on the scale! I have seen results some people have had with it though and it's incredible if you can stick with it! I quite enjoy walking, it can be quite peaceful and you can just put earphones in and go for a calm walk to clear your mind and negative thoughts. I also would like to lose 15 more kilos, hopefully we can motivate each other :-) How far away from your next goal weight are you? x