Not Getting Enough Calories (College Cafeteria Diet, Help?)

I've been noticing that, since I started using the Diary, I come in way, waaay under my calorie amount. Now granted, that can be because I mismeasure an amount or forget to add things, but either way I consistently fall short. The main reason for this is that apparently I eat too little (obviously), because even if I have a salad, some steak, half an apple (whenever I eat an apple my mouth feels kinda itchy and uncomfortable afterwards, I'm pretty sure it's not allergy related though) and green beans that clocks up to virtually nothing.

I live on campus and I have effectively no money (at least not enough that I could afford to buy food from outside sources on any sort of regular basis), so I'm largely constricted to what the cafeteria offers.

The problem is though that A: They change what they serve everyday, sometimes it's beef, sometimes turkey, etc, so it's hard to keep consistent), and B: anything with a calorie count that would actually put noticeable effort towards the calorie amount needed is stuff like pizza, french fries, etc. It makes it seem like I'd have to carry out five plates worth of healthy food per meal just to meet the daily amount required! Any advice?


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Does the cafeteria do every meal for you? Most I've seen only do dinner, maybe lunch. If you're making some meals yourself then try swapping some ingredients for more calorie-dense ones. If you can you could always try getting a side of chips as well as your normal healthy meal, if you cafeteria allows that. Also try adding condiments like ketchup.

    And you could always try just buying a big bag of chocolate bars and eating one a day, wouldn't be too expensive. Not the healthiest option I know, but it would get your calories up!