Weight Loss with Implanon

I've had this form of birth control for about 5 years now and I've gained so much weight probably around 60 pounds over the last 5 years. And since having it I'm ALWAYS hungry. Like it so hard to never not be hungry which is weird, because before I got it I maybe ate two to three times a day. I would rarely have an appetite. And I've been trying to lose about 30 pounds but I'm finding it really hard. I'm not sure if I'm just changing or if maybe it is the birth control. Any thoughts would be great. Professional or non-professional. I really want to lose this weight but I'm not sure I can on this birth control.


  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
    I currently have Nexplannon but it hasn't stopped me from losing weight. I'm about a stone lighter now than when I had it inserted last August. I put on a bit of weight at the start but that's because I ate like a pig for about a month after I got it in. My apetite did increase but I don't know if it was because of the nexplannon, some other reason or all in my head lol. I just had to reign it back in again. :wink:
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    I have had it for 11 years (disclaimer: I am so in love with this little tube I may be biased)

    I have been fat and thin on it and now I am trying to be fit.
    I find that so many factors influence my appetite I would have a hard time narrowing it down to one thing.
    have you been back for your yearly checks? they should weigh you and check blood pressure!
    I had gained a lot of weight on one of my checks (not related) and they panicked a bit.
  • studentgirly
    studentgirly Posts: 129 Member
    Either go back and demand that you change brands and explain about the weight gain or work out and lose weight on your current one. Part of it might be mental and you might be using the bc as an excuse/explain lack of self control.
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    I've had mine in since August 2013 so only a short time. I was ravenous until January and would eat and eat and eat. Not good with the holiday period! :( I tried to eat as regularly as I could and I definitely made a point of eating more protein than I ever did. For a while that was the only macro I really focused on. I would break my day into little meal times: breakfast, before work, work break, before dinner snack and dinner. If I was ravenous between snack times I made myself drink a glass of water and wait for 10 minutes. If I was still hungry I'd drink a cup of green tea and wait some more. If I was still hungry then I'd have something small.

    I was so used to snacking and eating whatever/whenever I wanted that I was fighting those habits plus the extra influence from the implanon. I hope you find a solution soon!
  • hol_lou85
    hol_lou85 Posts: 46 Member
    i had my second Implanon fitted just as i started my weightloss - it hasnt hindered my progress at all - i didnt even think about it to be honest.