Exercising after surgery - anyone BTDT?

I'm having my gallbladder out on 10th march, hopefully via keyhole surgery.

If anyone has had this or a similar surgery, how did you workout afterwards? I want to get back to normal as soon as possible. 4 times a week I do a class and lift weights afterwards.


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    You should probably check with the doctor/surgeon and see what they think is safe.
  • Dgydad
    Dgydad Posts: 104 Member
    You should probably check with the doctor/surgeon and see what they think is safe.
    I strongly second this suggestion. Everyone is different, and it is highly likely that cetain exercises, or types of exercises, will be "off-limits" for longer than others. I suspect that activity that doesn't stress the surgical site will be O.K. shortly afterward, but anything that stresses the wound will be forbidden longer. And you just don't want to complicate your recovery. I've watched my wife recover from a number of major procedures (knee replacement, rotator cuff repair, etc.), and as annoying as it can be, the recovery period only gets longer if you push too hard too soon. Good luck w/ the surgery!
  • 4mydogs
    4mydogs Posts: 66 Member
    I had a laproscopic colon resection and after any surgery they will want you to walk and move as soon as possible, so for me I was walking asap, it was slow at first but got better each day. I was not to lift anything heavy and ease into working out slowly, at about 8 weeks I could walk/run, do elliptical and use light weights. I did work with my doctor the whole way. Also listen to your body and slow down if you need too!
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    I had a hysterectomy (laproscopic). I was back on the elliptical (but taking it easy) after two weeks. I think I started weights back (again, easy ones) at five weeks, even thought the doc said to wait for six. By seven weeks, I was pretty much back in the saddle. I've also had two c-sections. I really, really recommend walking and moving as much as possible as soon as you can. Like, as soon as you wake up in recovery and they will let you stand with help. It really helps the soreness.
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    I had the laparoscopic gall bladder removal about 6 years ago. I was in college for engineering and we had books that we had to carry for class. Moving as in walking and such as soon as possible is very helpful but I couldn't even carry the books (about 30lbs with the back pack) for 2 weeks and I couldn't work out other than walking/running for at least 4 weeks. Even then, I had to take it really slowly. I was in great shape when I had the surgery too. Twisting movements were even longer. I also have a really high pain tolerance so I had to judge by pulling.

    I would definitely talk to your doctor. Mine told me not to do anything major for 4 weeks at least and be careful until at least 6 weeks. Even laparoscopic it was a bit of recovery just because of the location. BTW laughing and coughing are horrid for the first week!!

    Good luck with everything!
  • SandyAnnP
    SandyAnnP Posts: 252 Member
    I had surgery ( not laparoscopic) for 2 hernias in Dec 2012. Surgeon told me I could resume my walks after a few weeks but no lifting heavy exercise for up to 18 months as that is how long it can take to heal. Please go on what the surgeon tells you, not other well meaning friends on MFP. Everyone is different. All the best for your surgery, I hope it goes real well for you.