afternoon snacks - starving

Any ideas for afternoon snacks? This is when I'm at my most hungriest, nuts and yogurts just aint making a dent in my afternoon hunger pangs. I'm ova vego.



  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    What is 'ova vego'?
    also how many calories do you have spare and do they need to be pre-made?
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i read somewhere once that an apple has the same amount of energy as a can of soda. so i started to substitute my 3pm soda for an apple. maybe even a piece of cheese too. great boost of energy.
  • A smoothie and/or 2 pieces of dark chocolate usually carries me over if you have the calories to spare.
  • jozaboza
    jozaboza Posts: 8 Member
    I snack on raw babycorn when I'm at the office and feeling peckish.
  • sohmui
    sohmui Posts: 108 Member
    I do find a handful of nuts and three or four pieces of fruit do it for me, but I had to get used to it. Give it a little more time. For me it was a question of mind over matter. I kept telling myself I was full until I believed it. I also ate at least two slices of bread with my main meal. It filled me up and I still lost weight.
  • mrsslls
    mrsslls Posts: 41 Member
    Maybe look at what your having for lunch - I found changing what I had for lunch to something that made me fuller for longer helped me curb my afternoon snacking.
  • I meant Ovo-lacto.... thanks for the ideas! I forgot about hummus and veg for a snack too...
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    my ultimate snack is protein pancakes... stole the recipe from here somewhere (mashed raspberries, powder, dash of egg whites)
    I am also a big fan of half a bagel and topping dependent on my calories for the day (mid morning snack was branston pickle, cheese and a tomato)
    Today I am writing an essay so I have logged all my main meals (they are pre made in the fridge) so I know I can snack when I need to and what exactly I can snack on. It's tighter than I would like because I have not got time to gym it. I have also accepted that this week may end up being closer to maintenance calories. giving myself a break on it because uni comes first. It's terrible timing because my birthday looms and I want to look my best.
    when I know I am going to be snacking I am tighter with my main meals calories. it's all about balance. if i know I am going to be too busy to snack during the day I can use those calories for my main meal in the evening (rice and nann with my curry for example)
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    A healthy dose of not thinking about food. That will sort things out.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    I am not familiar with ova vego but try oatmeal packets. they are packed with fiber and good stuff. apples have lots of filling fiber too
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I had the same problem at one time so I made a salad with one boiled egg. It seem to do the trick but I got bored with it after a while so I changed it up to yogurt and a cheese stick but I'm sure I will go back and forth with those.
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    I generally have a salad with dinner. On days where I feel hungry, I have the salad in the afternoon instead. It stops the hunger.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Boiled eggs

    Make a fruit salad

    Protein bar/cereal bar

    Slices of chicken or ham

    Seeded ryvita's or rice cakes with peanut butter

    Peanut butter from the jar

    Chopped carrots/celery on there own or with a dip/hummus
  • billy198
    billy198 Posts: 3 Member
    Plain or salted popcorn works a treat in the afternoon!
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    I'm on maintenance but always snacked mid pm, even during wt loss.

    Even though I eat at least 100g of protein a day and space it out I always slump mid pm, mainly because I've been up since 0530.

    I keep 1-200 cals for a snack (healthy or otherwise). If I have 200 spare then I have a Promax (protein) meal bar, they are like choc coated nougat and very filling. I often cut it up or split it over a few hrs as so rich. Or I have a Soreen lunchbox size malt or banana loaf or WW choc biscuit bar.
  • Have you tried just having a hot drink? Sounds silly but If I have a mid afternoon crave.....I find that by the time I've put the kettle on and made a hot drink not only has it distracted me from feeling hungry but also takes the edge of off wanting to eat, filling me and warming me at the same time.
    I also make up a large bowl of sugar free jelly most days and keep in the fridge. My family just help themselves. When I get a craving for something sweet I find a couple of spoonfuls does the trick for me.
    Hope it helps?
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Quest bars could help you.

    I usually use them for a snack between meals because the macros are great (170 calories, ~20g protein and ~20g of fiber)
  • SuperSvelteLana
    SuperSvelteLana Posts: 10 Member
    Not knowing what you are eating before this time of day, I would say try adding more protein to those meals (breakfast and lunch) so that those calories burn slower and should make you feel satiated longer. Plus, increase your water in take early in the day - as in having a glass first thing in the morning and continue sipping that cold water throughout the day.

    You can also add a big salad to those meals...veggies are the zero guilt food you can add to your meal plan. You can stuff yourself with them at meal time as long as you aren't drowning it with dressing and loading it with cheese.
  • rubyted
    rubyted Posts: 21 Member
    I generally snack on cucumber/carrot/bell pepper batons, breadsticks or rice cakes. Generally I'm bored and not actually hungry, and if I am then they'll tide me over until my next meal.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    One of my favorite snacks is an open-face caprese sandwich.

    I take a slice of french bread (circle, pretty small), a slice of tomato, a slice of mozzarella, and a basil leaf, and then drizzle it with balsamic (I leave out the oil.)

    It feels kinda like a meal and it's tasty. Protein shakes also make good snacks, because protein fills you right up.

    I'm honestly surprised that nuts don't do more for you though. Maybe mix some chopped fruit in with your nuts.