Obsessed with feeling good

RainyDayProphet Posts: 113
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello new friends-

It seems no matter where we live, or what our life entails, we all have one thing in common... We care about our health.

I was a habitually lazy person. It's not that I was actually lazy, but through habit and repetition I became something I never intended to be.

I'm not particularly old, but I have been out of shape for quite a long time. I was very active through high school and into my early 20's, but I made a critical mistake in my early adult life. I took a desk job. Now, this wouldn't have been such a detriment had I kept on exercising (in some form). Sadly, I did what nearly every American does when they take a full time desk job. I sat there watching my butt grow each day. It didn't help that I also have a sweet tooth and a passion for greasy/fried food. These days, who doesn't?

I watched my weight climb from a well toned 174 pounds to a rounder and unhappier 224! My once toned upper body had given way to what some would call "moobs" and I simply have chosen to ignore and pretend it's still muscle.

In the past I've used every excuse in the book to explain my weight problem. "I don't have time to exercise/eat right"... "I can't afford a gym membership"... AND most importantly "I am too tired". Now, of the examples I listed, the last one isn't total garbage. I was chronically tired (by habit).

My bad habits had progressed for more than a decade. I SNAPPED! I was tired of looking at this person in the mirror. I was tired of feeling like the health was being sucked out of my body, while the fat was being stuffed in, one cheeseburger at a time.

I wish I'd found MyFitnessPal sooner so I would have had a better way of documenting the changes I was making. Unfortunately, I didn't find it until a couple weeks ago when I kept seeing posts from one of my friends on Facebook.

Over the last year I stopped drinking Soda and other sugary drinks (with the exception of the occasional ice cold Coca-Cola on a hot summer day). Now, I drink water and unsweetened tea with an occasional glass of milk. I taught myself to like yellow mustard (or nothing at all) and stopped using ketchup on my food. This might not seem like a big change to you, but do you know what it did for me? The 224 lbs that had been stamped on my forehead began to melt away. Over the months I continued to enjoy French Fries, Cheeseburgers with Bacon, and Pizza (all in moderation). By simply cutting out a few unhealthy things from my diet the stamp on my forehead dropped all the way to 212 pounds.

All this without flexing a finger, lifting a weight, or taking an extra step.

I started walking DAILY as of August 9th, 2010. At first it was 2 miles at a moderate pace. Soon I had a little more energy and I put it all into walking.

It has now been just over 1 month. With the help of MyFitnessPal and a couple friends I have dropped 17 pounds!

By tracking my exercise and caloric intake, I have gone from eating over 3000 calories per day to eating between 1200 - 1400!

I plan on losing another 10-15 pounds to be happy with my weight, but I could always use a few more supporters cheering me on and I love to cheer on other people, so if you want someone else cheering on your health go ahead and add me to your list.

and to the creators of this site and my friends who are cheering me on... Thanks :)

Grants Pass, Oregon


  • Awesome job!!! Keep it up!!!
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    That is awesome! Congrats on your weight loss so far, and good luck on your journey!!!!!!!
  • Congrats!
  • boogie17
    boogie17 Posts: 103 Member
    :smile: Awesome Job!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • Good job!!! You keep me going....when I see what you are doing and the success you have had, I remember that I can have success, too. I had all the same excuses, and I still use them, but slowly I am making some changes, and hopefully soon I will be seeing results, too. Thanks JJ!
  • Lotsa Love for ya Jamie! Keep with it :) I know you can do it!
  • Thank you all for the added support :) It's very appreciated!
  • It is amazing. How many calories we eat up if we don't figure out what we are doing. One of the biggest changes I've made was cutting out as much of the high fructrose corn syrup I can. That stuff is in everything. And like you I started walking. Almost two years ago I started walking lost some weight and then stopped walking put it all back on. Started again this year and so far have stuck to it. And thanks to my friend Reihn in posting this site on facebook I got something now to help track food intake and my exercise. Thanks buddy and keep it up. Hope to see you sometime. I also gotta thank my bro Troy for giving us his stationary bike. I used it more when I didn't walk during the day but I think it is gonna see a lot more use.
  • Congrats..I am looking forward to saying "I lost 17 pounds" as well. Keep up the good work. You rock. :happy:
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