
Hello all! My name is Melissa and I am 32 years old. I am a mom of two great kids. A son who is 3 years old and daughter who is 1 1/2. I have been struggling with weight ever since having kids and am eager to get the extra weight off. I have about 20 to 25 lb. to lose. It can be difficult to find time to exercise and eat right consistently while chasing around 2 toddlers all day. I need some extra motivation! I am a nurse and recently took off a year of work to finish up my Master's degree. I should be going back to work here in the next few months. I would be happy to find some friends on here so we could help encourage each other. Thanks and best of luck to all that are on the journey.


  • firewife1101
    Hi! I'm a 31 year old mom of 3 kids (ages 3, 5 and 7). I'm pretty new to MFP too but I'm on here everyday and try to be supportive. I have about 50 lbs. to loose but I'm trying to focus on getting healthy more than the scale. I want to have the energy to keep up with these kids! :) You are welcome to add me as a friend if you would like.