Does anyone know???

I put a recipe in to figure out the calories and info.
Does anyone know if I can access this and when I have that food be able to
add it to my daily food plan.. I know I can put it in as quick calories but I would like
to also have the other values... Thanks for any help.


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    When you add a food to one of your meals, like lunch, there will be a tab for recipes - the tabs available are "recent", "frequent", "my foods", "meals", and "recipes". The one you want is "recipes". You should see the one you saved in a list there.
  • Thank you so very very much for taking the time to helping me out.. I have tried it and it works perfectly.
    I am back after a long time away.. Have only gained a couple of pounds from my last weigh in here which is over a year I think.
    My weigh in is on Wednesdays I will have a better idea tomorrow. Now it is time to get on with losing 10-20 lbs by August.
    Good luck with your journey and once again many thanks.