Hate veggies!!!

How do you eat right when you hate veggies. I have never liked veggies and had never had a problem with my weight until after I quite smoking when I got pregnant with the my 2nd child. Then I really gain it when I got pregnant with my 3rd child. After I had her I didn't loose any of the weight. Some help please!!!


  • uncharted01
    uncharted01 Posts: 105 Member
    i suppose you could lose weight without eating any vegetables (not that i would recommend that) as long as you eat at a deficit... but there are hundereds of different types of vegetables - you can't find one that you like???
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Grow up. I mean sorry, but saying you hate all veggies is just ridiculous, and that's a pretty bad example to set for your kids. If it really bothers you, try to sneak them into things. I put kale in my smoothies and can hardly taste it, and I blend carrots and spinach into my tomato sauce. Chopping up tiny little pieces to add to rice or other pasta dishes also will work.

    There are tons of different veggies, and the way you cook them changes their flavor dramatically. I hate raw veggies but almost any kind of veggie tastes good roasted or grilled. I never eat them plain, always dressed up in spices or healthy sauces.
  • helenj1986
    Me too :( .I hate how everything is always about " adding more vegetables .. bulk out your dinner with vegetables ... how about some tasty veg " how about no! I hate vegetables ,always have always will .Carrots make me physically gag ,to me to it all tastes like bitter earth. Is is possible to lose weight without living on veg, just by cutting down and eating what your normally would in moderation. I'm living prove you can survive and lose weight without them! ( 28 years old ,still alive and 1 stone down as of today!)
  • pinksmama
    Grow up. I mean sorry, but saying you hate all veggies is just ridiculous, and that's a pretty bad example to set for your kids. If it really bothers you, try to sneak them into things. I put kale in my smoothies and can hardly taste it, and I blend carrots and spinach into my tomato sauce. Chopping up tiny little pieces to add to rice or other pasta dishes also will work.

    There are tons of different veggies, and the way you cook them changes their flavor dramatically. I hate raw veggies but almost any kind of veggie tastes good roasted or grilled. I never eat them plain, always dressed up in spices or healthy sauces.

  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Grow up. I mean sorry, but saying you hate all veggies is just ridiculous, and that's a pretty bad example to set for your kids. If it really bothers you, try to sneak them into things. I put kale in my smoothies and can hardly taste it, and I blend carrots and spinach into my tomato sauce. Chopping up tiny little pieces to add to rice or other pasta dishes also will work.

    There are tons of different veggies, and the way you cook them changes their flavor dramatically. I hate raw veggies, almost any kind of veggie tastes good roasted or grilled.

    LOL glad someone else feels the same way I do. Anytime someone posts about hating all veggies it's basically a way of asking for permission to eat junk food 24/7 instead. Yes, ice cream tastes better than carrots. We get it. You can't eat ice cream all the time though. Bottom line.
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    How do you eat if you refuse to eat vegetables?? I'm trying to wrap my mind around that first.
  • xynggirl
    xynggirl Posts: 1 Member
    Very well said! :smile:
  • sue_stef
    sue_stef Posts: 194 Member
    I hate veggies too however I tolerate them because I need them
    I grew up with canned veggies and in the summer we had fresh carrots
    and lots of potatoes
    I never liked super sweet vegetables so that left out carrots
    as an adult I eat things like spinach I put it in other things like a big smoothie on Sunday with bananas strawberries blueberries almond milk and unsweetened cocoa powder
    it is like a big sweet chocolate shake
    kind of
    I eat spinach in lots of things
    I dice up tomatoes and have those instead of canned sauce (too much salt in the sauce)
    and recently I have been trying cauliflower

    just so you know garlic and onions hide the taste of just about anything

    you do not have to eat large chunks of vegetables at first hide them in other things and as you get used to having some of them add more
    I started out just adding 5 spinach leaves to eggs
    I also really like avocados now I smash those up for tuna salad or guac very tasty
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    French fries...
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I am just wondering how you came to hate veggies?

    Were you a picky eater when you were little and your parents forced you to eat them or did they allow you to eat what you chose?

    I am just wondering how all these people I see every day on MFP hate vegetables and water. I do not get it.

    And to answer your question, here are some delicious smoothie recipes with lots of veggies that you can not even tell are in there.

  • cherub_72
    cherub_72 Posts: 45 Member
    How do you eat right when you hate veggies. I have never liked veggies and had never had a problem with my weight until after I quite smoking when I got pregnant with the my 2nd child. Then I really gain it when I got pregnant with my 3rd child. After I had her I didn't loose any of the weight. Some help please!!!

    You hate ALL veggies??? ALL of them? Regardless of how they are prepared?
    I find that very hard to believe. I have never found ANYONE who hates ALL veggies. They usually like at LEAST corn...which doesn't count but you get my drift.

    I think maybe someone tried to force to to eat them as a child and you dug your heels in and haven't eaten any of them since.
    Taste buds change every 6 months. Give them another try. Don't like it raw? Tried it steamed. Don't like it steamed? Add a LITTLE butter. Don't like that...try roasting it. Don't like that? Try frying it. Don't like that?...try again in 6 months.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of veggies either but I have a few favorites and stick with them. Most nights, we have either green beans or broccoli florets as a side dish, sometimes Caesar salad. However I do like other veggies if they're in things like soups, stews or casseroles - I'll add carrots, celery, onion, bell peppers and mushrooms to just about every dish.

    Have you tried cooking them in different ways? Roasting brings out wonderful flavors in vegetables. To me, canned veggies are disgusting (too mushy) so I don't buy them in cans, I buy them fresh or frozen. Then I steam or boil them and sometimes roast or saute them.

    Or sometimes not cooking is the better way to go - if you like veggies better raw, eat them that way.
  • jennifries227
    jennifries227 Posts: 113 Member
    As a slightly reformed veggie hater, I can offer a little advice that worked for me.

    First off, hide veggies in your food. Puree spinach and add it to pasta sauce. This works especially well if you make your own, which you should try. Throw broccoli into a food processor until you can barely see it and add it to mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, ground beef for burgers, etc. You won't taste it, I promise, but you will be getting some veggies into your belly and that's a start.

    Second, find something you can stand to eat and make yourself eat it. You don't have to like it, just eat a little bit. Eventually you'll start to not hate them as much. You might even grow to like something, who knows!

    Try everything you can get your hands on. Don't eat canned veggies, they're all gross, go for fresh. Look up recipes online to learn how to cook them. If a recipe has a picture that looks good, give it a try. Try things raw, too. Most vegetables taste completely different raw than they do cooked. Some are so much better raw (like broccoli in my opinion), while others are good both ways, just different.

    Five years ago I wouldn't touch anything green. Now I happily order salads at restaurants, and go light on the dressing. I add veggies to most of my meals and think they taste better because of it. I still can't sit down and eat a side of green beans, and peas make me gag, but it's a process, and eventually you'll get there.

    In the meantime for weightloss, eat smarter. Lean protein, fiber, whole grains. Measure things out (get a food scale!) log EVERYTHING, and do it BEFORE you eat. That helps keep you from eating out of boredom, and keeps nasty surprise calories at bay. If you're really craving something, eat it, but try eating just a bite and walking away. It works more often than not!
  • Halcyon3608
    Halcyon3608 Posts: 28 Member
    I always feel hypocritical responding to this type of post because I don't eat fruit, but you really do have to grow up and work vegetables into your everyday diet. Without vegetables, you're pretty much left with meat and starch, and those won't get you very far when every calorie matters. Plus, I agree with other posters saying you need to set a good example for your kids.

    I love all vegetables no matter how they're prepared, but what seems to work best for the "veggie skeptics" is oven roasting. Roasting provides tons of flavor and doesn't result in the sad mush you get by boiling/steaming. You can chop up pretty much anything (potatoes, onions, peppers, carrots, beets, broccoli, green beans, brussels sprouts, squash, etc.), toss it with olive oil and all sorts of spices, herbs, and seasonings, and roast it on a cookie sheet and it will turn out magically delicious. I just had some roasted parmesan green beans the other day and I couldn't get enough.

    From there you can move on other preparations. Make a stir-fry with veggies sautéed over high heat. If you don't crowd the pan you'll get the same delicious browning effect as roasting, but it doesn't take as long. Figure out what you like raw and throw it on a salad with sliced egg and chopped-up bacon. Slice some tomatoes, avocado, and mozzarella and make a salad with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.
  • scoutli
    scoutli Posts: 33 Member
    I throw raw spinach and carrots into the blender with water and vanilla protein powder every day after my workout. Delicious! and I can't even taste the veggies. I actually love veggies, but do this to incorporate more into my diet. Try it.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    Carrots make me physically gag ,to me to it all tastes like bitter earth.

    Most vegetables have the same effect on me. The texture, raw or cooked, makes me gag, and the tastes range from floral, to earthy, to just bitter. I've found a few things I like, though, such as sweet potatoes, cooked tomatoes, and raw spinach (and of course white potatoes). Not a lot of variety, but better than no veggies at all. I wish I liked veg, I've tried to like them, but to no avail.
  • NattieRose80
    NattieRose80 Posts: 32 Member
    I used to hate vegetables too. Not all but almost all. It was because I had not given them a fair chance. Salads were so boring and bland. What I did was start trying different recipe's or different vegi combinations. Once you start eating them more you will want them more, not to mention your body will feel better and you will see more weight loss results. It will be worth it!

    Second of all we are all here for support not to bash people for their feelings. I grew up in a very Hispanic home and it was usually beans rice and a meat with tortilla I did not grow up with greens and salads so I did hate vegetables as well. I started eating more vegetables because I knew it was best for my body and for the future of my kids. You have to take accountability for yourself. But I have been there and I will not past judgment toward you. Good luck on your journey keep striving for better :)
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    Grow up. I mean sorry, but saying you hate all veggies is just ridiculous, and that's a pretty bad example to set for your kids. If it really bothers you, try to sneak them into things. I put kale in my smoothies and can hardly taste it, and I blend carrots and spinach into my tomato sauce. Chopping up tiny little pieces to add to rice or other pasta dishes also will work.

    There are tons of different veggies, and the way you cook them changes their flavor dramatically. I hate raw veggies but almost any kind of veggie tastes good roasted or grilled. I never eat them plain, always dressed up in spices or healthy sauces.

    Hey, you hate what you hate, and you like what you like. Just because you like them, doesn't mean the next person likes them.

    Having said that, maybe you could hide them in things. For example, I put chopped mushrooms in my meatloaf and I can't even tell the difference. Good luck and keep trucking!

    BTW, if I were you, I wouldn't tell people on here your personal opinions cause they will tear you a new one! LOL!
    You really have to watch how you word things. Good Luck!
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Grow up. I mean sorry, but saying you hate all veggies is just ridiculous, and that's a pretty bad example to set for your kids. If it really bothers you, try to sneak them into things. I put kale in my smoothies and can hardly taste it, and I blend carrots and spinach into my tomato sauce. Chopping up tiny little pieces to add to rice or other pasta dishes also will work.

    There are tons of different veggies, and the way you cook them changes their flavor dramatically. I hate raw veggies but almost any kind of veggie tastes good roasted or grilled. I never eat them plain, always dressed up in spices or healthy sauces.

    Hey, you hate what you hate, and you like what you like. Just because you like them, doesn't mean the next person likes them.

    Having said that, maybe you could hide them in things. For example, I put chopped mushrooms in my meatloaf and I can't even tell the difference. Good luck and keep trucking!

    BTW, if I were you, I wouldn't tell people on here your personal opinions cause they will tear you a new one! LOL!
    You really have to watch how you word things. Good Luck!

    She asked for our opinions. I'm not sure if you read what I wrote, because you followed it up by repeating my advice, but I wasn't unkind about it. She needs to put on her big girl pants and eat her veggies, and that is that.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    I used to hate vegetables too. Not all but almost all. It was because I had not given them a fair chance. Salads were so boring and bland. What I did was start trying different recipe's or different vegi combinations. Once you start eating them more you will want them more, not to mention your body will feel better and you will see more weight loss results. It will be worth it!

    Second of all we are all here for support not to bash people for their feelings. I grew up in a very Hispanic home and it was usually beans rice and a meat with tortilla I did not grow up with greens and salads so I did hate vegetables as well. I started eating more vegetables because I knew it was best for my body and for the future of my kids. You have to take accountability for yourself. But I have been there and I will not past judgment toward you. Good luck on your journey keep striving for better :)

    This! I am sorry some people just came out and bashed your post. I don't believe it means you aren't "Growing Up" but that you havent experimented enough with veggies. Trying making a Cauliflower pizza crust, or use a food processor to grind it up and put it in soups, sauces, rice mixture. There are definitely creative ways to eat more veggies (I'm a Cauliflower nerd hense my suggestions).

    It won't hurt to start by adding cheese, hot sauce, ranch, etc to the veggies at first and then try to ween yourself to just eat the veggies.