Beer and weight loss



  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Might be a lil off topic but for the ones who say keep it in your calorie def? So lets just say I go out and drink 600 calories (3 beers, 3 shots, ect.), and Im on a 1200 calorie diet. So I should go out drinking after only eating 600 calories. Im pretty sure Id be a sloppy drunk lol. Im not saying this is me, I just dont really see how its possible to keep it in your calorie count unless your only having one? I have learned I cannot lose weight and drink unless its one or two drinks a week.

    My question would be, why are you on a 1200 calorie diet? What is your TDEE? You could probably eat more than 1200 calories and still lose, making it much easier to fit in beer.
  • zilfig64
    zilfig64 Posts: 71 Member
    I live in Beervana ( Portland, OR). I am a homebrewer, and Portland has over 50 craft breweries and many hundreds of brewpubs! Give up good beer - no way! I can't even type C**$s L#gh# or B@* Wiz#$%@ .
    Just budget for the calories you are going to consume from beer in your weekly calorie intake. If I know i am going out, I usually try to cut down 100-150 calories a day during the week, and/or do extra long workouts on Saturday/Sunday to make up for the calories. Also, I try to go water, beer, water, beer - fills you up faster, you consume less calories, and you still have the social connections (and you can get up to work-out the next morning).

    Like my avatar shows - CHEERS! (Rogue Dead Guy Ale!)
  • Clash1001
    Clash1001 Posts: 85 Member
    I must admit, I did find weight loss easier after ditching the Guinness and switching to vodka and slimline tonic.

    I try and plan it so I go out on a Saturday night or afternoon.

    In the morning, I have a big gym session - usually up to 1000 cal on the exercise tracker of which I 'knock off' half the calories to take into account over estimation. (Just to point out, I don't really do this just so I can have a drink, i always have a big gym session on Saturday)

    This gives me an extra 500 to play with, which happily fits into a bottle of wine. I try to eat reasonably and don't beat myself up if I go over - I find that if I starve myself to fit in alcohol, I will a) get more drunk than intended and b) make really poor choices when passing the kebab shop!
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 286 Member
    Might be a lil off topic but for the ones who say keep it in your calorie def? So lets just say I go out and drink 600 calories (3 beers, 3 shots, ect.), and Im on a 1200 calorie diet. So I should go out drinking after only eating 600 calories. Im pretty sure Id be a sloppy drunk lol. Im not saying this is me, I just dont really see how its possible to keep it in your calorie count unless your only having one? I have learned I cannot lose weight and drink unless its one or two drinks a week.

    My question would be, why are you on a 1200 calorie diet? What is your TDEE? You could probably eat more than 1200 calories and still lose, making it much easier to fit in beer.

    I use to do alot more but I just had a baby so I wanted to start out low and after I start losing weight go back up
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    As long as you meet your weekly calorie goal, you will lose weight. What you eat or drink does not matter. It can make a difference in how you feel though.

    Not true, alcohol is not a normal calorie:

    Alcohol is also metabolized differently from other substances, and it affects the way your body handles carbohydrates and fat. When alcohol is present, your body starts to process it right away instead of focusing on the things it would normally work to break down, like sugars and dietary fat. Those get converted into body fat instead.

    Read more:

    I would seriously consider cutting the drinking down to one night per week if you are incapable of socializing with out drinking.

    It looks like she is only going out once a week. While I agree that most of your information is true (sorry but food/calories in your stomach do not instantly get stored as fat as soon as you drink alcohol.), she isn't in a body building competition where this is actually going to affect her very reasonable weight loss goal. =\

    I don't think you understand that people need a social life and if they enjoy beer, telling them to "reduce or completely cut it out" instead of telling them to fit it into their calories will eventually lead to them quitting and giving up on a healthier lifestyle because they are losing their minds.

    The calories getting stored is not my opinion, it is a scientific fact. She stated two or three pints a couple of times a week.

    Alcohol is a different monster than food. We do not need alcohol to survive. If some one has an issue with cutting down alcohol to make their selves healthier, then they have a bigger problem than losing weight.

    All things in moderation, right? 3 pints of Guinness is not moderation whether you like it or believe it. When we start depriving our bodies of nutrition to fit alcohol into our diet, well that is just sad.

    No, It makes it "easier" for calories to get stored as fat IF that person has a calorie SURPLUS, which is not this case. The body does make processing alcohol it's first priority though.

    Also.... how's the view up there? Lonely on that high horse? You know what else you don't need to "survive"? The internet, maybe you should focus on all the things you don't really need.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I always thought it was around 170 calories per pint... :frown:
    Assuming you're drinking draft, it's 210 all right.

    The good news is that's fewer than the same amount of orange juice or milk! :drinker:
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    I drink 1 beer a night, 5 days a week and 375ml of rum mixed 50/50 with diet coke on Wednesdays and Saturdays. It's my reward for my hard work. The beer relaxes me because I'm so wired from nutrition and fitness. If you want to drink, you have to put in the burn.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Cant you just give up/reduce the amount for a few months until you have lost the weight?

    Weight loss is a temporary phase. Once you have lost it, you can put up your calorie intake.
  • Julesdublin
    Julesdublin Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you for all the replies! I will keep having my well deserved pints in moderation because as the saying goes “In Heaven there’s no beer that’s why I drink it here”

    And for the lady that said 3 pints of Guinness is too much – I am afraid I have to disagree with you on this one. 3 pints is grand; I don’t even get tipsy. Here in Dublin is not uncommon seeing people downing A LOT more than that. Trust me on this one.

    I have always been slim. The weight I gained last year was due to a medication I had to take. Counting calories is new to me. I am actually enjoying eating healthy foods and working out more and I hope the changes won’t stop when I reach my goal. I know if I want to stick to a healthy life style I will have to find room in my diet to drink my pints. I love craft beer as well. Beer is wonderful. Seeing so many people losing and maintaining weight enjoying a good beverage is a great incentive to keep up the work!
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    Sigh... Now it's 5AM and this just made me want a beer.
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    There is nothing I like better than a nice glass of wine, or the odd pint of Guinness (Irish girl here too :) ) I have lost 63lbs, and still had them. I just factored it into my calorie intake. Honestly, I don't deny myself anything, if I want it I have it. When I start to deny myself stuff, that is when I tend to start gaining. Now, it is just a case of everything in moderation.
  • 3proud
    3proud Posts: 21 Member
    I tend to lose weight more consistently when I drink beer/wine and I am within a healthy weight range. I just make sure to keep it within my calorie allowance. Beer especially for some reason....
  • A pint is 16oz, depending on the beer, there can be up to 200 calories. So two pints = 400calories. So easy to add in your calories for the day.

    I lost 30 lbs and never stopped partying.
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    I googled the subject first and I got all kinds of advise – some of them quite conflicting, actually. So I am hoping you guys here can help me with it.
    I’ve gained a fair amount of weight over the last year and I am trying to lose it – around 22 lbs (10kgs)
    The thing is…. I live in Dublin, Ireland. And I love a good beer, I really do. There’s something wonderful about having a couple of pints with friends on a Friday night after a week’s work. I am doing my outmost to stop drinking but it is having a detrimental effect on my social life. A lot of the socializing here is done in pubs. Currently I am trying to avoid going to the pubs as the temptation of a good pint of Guinness is too much to bear but I know it’s not sustainable.
    So, my question is…. Can I lose weight drinking beer? Has anyone here lost weight having 2 or 3 pints a couple of times a week? Is it only the calories that I should worry about or does alcohol hinder the weight loss process?

    Take it from a fellow Dub who knows the joy of a pint o' plain: yes, you can drink and still lose weight, I have. Does it slow your progress? Probably. Is that a reason to stop drinking altogether? Nope. Weight loss, imho, should be done on a sustainable basis. If you couldn't live with a change forever, then why make it? A few pints with mates is not the be all and end all of putting on *or* losing weight. How is having a beer any worse than having an ice cream or any other 'non clean' food, really? Work it in to your week, and enjoy it.
  • cardosium
    cardosium Posts: 25 Member
    If you really want those three pints twice a week the have them. But, and there is always a but, you must make up for it either by eating less or exercising a lot more- in order to still achieve a reasonable calorie goal, or at least to not go above it too much.

    However, you are looking for different perspectives (that's why you came here) and mine is as follows. Three pints of anything alcoholic twice a week, which means 6 pints a week, is too much. I don't even know how many calories there are on each pint but there must be a lot of them considering it's a very rich beer. These as you know are so called 'empty calories' but it's not just that- it's alcohol and so it will slow your metabolism, dehydrate you and leave you with less stamina. You say you really like Guiness and I say life is to lived so why not having it but if you want to lose weight you need to commit. Why not having a pint only and then having juices, water, tea, coffee...? You could also drink 2 pints of a lighter beer instead but I would personally still drink my favourite drink just less of it. Quality over quantity is my motto in life!

    You know, it's very easy to eat chips and ketchup because everyone else is doing it, drink 3 pints of Guiness because everyone else is doing it... But when you commit to change your life, live more healthily and lose weight, it's no longer about others... Suddenly it's about YOU. That will develop confidence and that confidence will make you say no to the second pint when and if you think you shouldn't have another one...

    If you ask any doctor they will tell you that 6 pints of Guiness a week is too much. The drinking habits in the UK are shocking and as result more and more people are becoming fat and mentally ill- but that's another can of worms. Just think about it, whether you would be happier with less booze, or at least give it a try. You'll feel stronger mentally and physically....

    But, if you are happy to do what you're already doing than just exercise loads, drink loads of water and cut back on other calories to make up for those beers
  • cardosium
    cardosium Posts: 25 Member
    I tend to lose weight more consistently when I drink beer/wine and I am within a healthy weight range. I just make sure to keep it within my calorie allowance. Beer especially for some reason....

    Beer is diuretic what you losing is water... :)
  • cardosium
    cardosium Posts: 25 Member
    As long as you meet your weekly calorie goal, you will lose weight. What you eat or drink does not matter. It can make a difference in how you feel though.

    Not true, alcohol is not a normal calorie:

    Alcohol is also metabolized differently from other substances, and it affects the way your body handles carbohydrates and fat. When alcohol is present, your body starts to process it right away instead of focusing on the things it would normally work to break down, like sugars and dietary fat. Those get converted into body fat instead.

    Read more:

    I would seriously consider cutting the drinking down to one night per week if you are incapable of socializing with out drinking.

    It looks like she is only going out once a week. While I agree that most of your information is true (sorry but food/calories in your stomach do not instantly get stored as fat as soon as you drink alcohol.), she isn't in a body building competition where this is actually going to affect her very reasonable weight loss goal. =\

    I don't think you understand that people need a social life and if they enjoy beer, telling them to "reduce or completely cut it out" instead of telling them to fit it into their calories will eventually lead to them quitting and giving up on a healthier lifestyle because they are losing their minds.

    The calories getting stored is not my opinion, it is a scientific fact. She stated two or three pints a couple of times a week.

    Alcohol is a different monster than food. We do not need alcohol to survive. If some one has an issue with cutting down alcohol to make their selves healthier, then they have a bigger problem than losing weight.

    All things in moderation, right? 3 pints of Guinness is not moderation whether you like it or believe it. When we start depriving our bodies of nutrition to fit alcohol into our diet, well that is just sad.

    I totally agree with you! Three pints of anything alcoholic is too much. Why oh why in the UK everyone thinks it's normal?! If you go abroad (south Europe where I am from) people drink so much less! It's common for people to drink a glass of wine and then put the bottle away in the fridge. I have never seen an English person doing that, once it's open it needs to go down and sometimes it's several bottles.... Sorry guys, I love England but the drinking habits here (in general) are appalling!
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    Eh cardosium? Dublin is in Ireland, not England. And due to historical reasons most Irish don't like being called English. Also, medical recommendations for women are up to 11 units per week, which would be 5.5 pints of Guinness, so no-one here is being reckless in their drinking, ok? You're entitled to an opinion, but you're in danger of cramming it down people's throats now. Let's keep it non-judgemental eh?
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    As long as you meet your weekly calorie goal, you will lose weight. What you eat or drink does not matter. It can make a difference in how you feel though.

    Not true, alcohol is not a normal calorie:

    Alcohol is also metabolized differently from other substances, and it affects the way your body handles carbohydrates and fat. When alcohol is present, your body starts to process it right away instead of focusing on the things it would normally work to break down, like sugars and dietary fat. Those get converted into body fat instead.

    Read more:

    I would seriously consider cutting the drinking down to one night per week if you are incapable of socializing with out drinking.

    It looks like she is only going out once a week. While I agree that most of your information is true (sorry but food/calories in your stomach do not instantly get stored as fat as soon as you drink alcohol.), she isn't in a body building competition where this is actually going to affect her very reasonable weight loss goal. =\

    I don't think you understand that people need a social life and if they enjoy beer, telling them to "reduce or completely cut it out" instead of telling them to fit it into their calories will eventually lead to them quitting and giving up on a healthier lifestyle because they are losing their minds.

    The calories getting stored is not my opinion, it is a scientific fact. She stated two or three pints a couple of times a week.

    Alcohol is a different monster than food. We do not need alcohol to survive. If some one has an issue with cutting down alcohol to make their selves healthier, then they have a bigger problem than losing weight.

    All things in moderation, right? 3 pints of Guinness is not moderation whether you like it or believe it. When we start depriving our bodies of nutrition to fit alcohol into our diet, well that is just sad.

    I totally agree with you! Three pints of anything alcoholic is too much. Why oh why in the UK everyone thinks it's normal?! If you go abroad (south Europe where I am from) people drink so much less! It's common for people to drink a glass of wine and then put the bottle away in the fridge. I have never seen an English person doing that, once it's open it needs to go down and sometimes it's several bottles.... Sorry guys, I love England but the drinking habits here (in general) are appalling!

    Ha! You clearly haven't met the same Spaniards as me then.

    3 pints is perfectly acceptable - this isn't the puritan forum, you can keep yer temperance thanks.

    I went from 18st to the 12 I weigh now drinking a darn sight more than that.

    Admittedly, I am far from sedentary (farmer) and I do a lot of sports, but as long as you burn more energy than you take in, you will lose weight...
  • Julesdublin
    Julesdublin Posts: 39 Member
    I live in Ireland. The United Kingdom is another country. The Irish and the Brits have similar drinking habits all right but they are different people with different culture. And I am not even Irish, by the way.

    3 pints is hardly the amount of alcohol that will make me drunk dancing the Macarena on the top of the table. I try to have no more than one pint per hour. Also, here in Ireland we do “rounds” of drinks. To have only 1 pint means I will either have to pay for at least 2 (no, I don’t go to the pub on my own) or be a cheeky monkey and have a pint for free and head home.

    I want to lose weight but I still want to have a social life and go to the pub and have a good banter with my friends. I don’t see the point in being a slim “Billy-no-mates” kind of person.