Need a hobby

Other than working out, I need something to do so I don't eat. Any suggestions? its not like a I have a TON of free time but for example I blew my day today because I was stressed with my son whose 2 and when he finally napped while my 4 year old went to pre-k I ate....and ate....then when hubby got home he knew I was stressed and offered to get pizza which I over indulged in. Now I sit here bloated and trying to think of what I could of done different.


  • MakeLifeBright
    Hobby could be anything... but some thing I have been doing.
    I bought an empty book from staples .
    When I get bored some times. I write. This book is to my Daughter.
    She is 6 now.
    I write letters to her in the book. All about things in her life. So I do not forget the little things.
    Then when she is older, maybe 16 or so.. I can give her the book.
    Maybe I am weird? Don't answer that lol
  • JoyJulRay
    JoyJulRay Posts: 99 Member
    I started hair bow making this week, its been a lot of fun so far.
  • ninja250
    You should do something you really like that makes you forget about everything.
    for me, video games or going outside and playing tennis or basket ball does the trick. If i am doing one of these, i am not thinking about those cooking in the pantry. lol

    good luck and let me know what works for you :)
  • Lilliesmom2010
    Ok you have kids, so that means you probably have photos, you have a computer/laptop (I'm assuming)... so why not try digital scrapbooking? If you are interested I can help you get started. :-)
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    You could try card making. With Christmas only a few months away it's a good time to start too :smile:
  • ysaidpie
    I have been experimenting with granola bar recipes, it's something to do & relatively healthy depending on how u make them. Plus, with kids, u can always use snacks (and they are cheaper to make than to buy). I have been trying to involve my 2 & 1/2 year old in the baking as well- to give her something to do. Also, we have a library within walking distance so I frequently take my daughter there & let her play in the kids section while I just space out & enjoy the change of scenery. There isn't food there, so it makes it easy to avoid unnecessary snacking between meals. By the time we get home, it's time for our next meal. I know u said u wanted a hobby besides working out- but I have been jogging everyday & it has really helped with relieving stress & I notice I am not ready to pull my hair out or raid the fridge when I have heard "mmmmmooooooooommmmmmmyyyyyyy!!" for the ten thousandth time in one day! Lol. Good luck!
  • Maggie1960
    A digital scrapbook is a brilliant idea!

    My hobby is needlepoint, I work very simple designs - it keeps my hands busy and stops me thinking about food. And it's inexpensive. I made birth samplers for each of my four children, Christmas stockings, and am now working on a tapestry family tree.
  • Adusenka
    Adusenka Posts: 108 Member
    I usually paint or draw, do my make up or experiment with my make up.. maybe make my own jewelery :).
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I think anything that keeps your hands busy is good. I play guitar, and I read more now at work so I dont get bored.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hobby could be anything... but some thing I have been doing.
    I bought an empty book from staples .
    When I get bored some times. I write. This book is to my Daughter.
    She is 6 now.
    I write letters to her in the book. All about things in her life. So I do not forget the little things.
    Then when she is older, maybe 16 or so.. I can give her the book.
    Maybe I am weird? Don't answer that lol

    I think this is such a cool idea! I've only ever kept a journal while on vacation, and even by the end of vacay week it is amazing what you'd forgotten about the beginning of the trip. I'm sure your book will be absolutely TREASURED when you give it to your daughter!

    Digital scrapbooking is a good idea too! But there's nothing quite like working with the papers and photos with traditional scrapbooking. Plus, you can't keep a digital scrapbook on the coffee table. ;)

    Maybe you can give yourself a new project within the house. Is there a closet that needs organizing? Collection of shoes and purses that should be purged? Furniture that needs to be feng sui'ed?
  • dbsue
    Jamie hi, I'm a knitter. Love to make about anything. Keeps me upstairs in my craft room for hours. And I'm not thinking about food all the time. Plus Drink alot of water. That helps to fill you up. Good luck.
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    As the weather gets cooler, I am constantly on the porch now with a good book - I have three going right now actually.
    Crosswords? Sudoku? I find short games like this can help me get thru a craving hour!