Starting Again Looking for weight lose friends Friends

Hey guys going to give this another shot at this weight lose thing again. So a little about me. I have two kids that i love dearly 1yr girl and 3yr boy. They are the main reason that i am trying to become more healthy. I think that having friends to talk to about getting tips on working out, food, motivation would really help me out. At the beginning i said " give this another shot" because i would lose 20 or so pounds then slowly get back to my bad eating and doing not much of any thing time and time again.

I have a Desk job, so not a lot of movement at work. One problem i have is i can really only work out late at night, but then i start to fell like im not getting to spend/see much of my kids or wife. (Now that i read this i fell that i might be just making a excuse for my self.) Any tips on when to work out or how to squeeze more work out time would help also.


  • megjay18
    megjay18 Posts: 78 Member
    hey! feel free to add me! i have a 15 month old son and feel the same way about finding time to work out (i.e. taking away time from the kid and husband). it's definitely challenging, but still doable. :)
  • Feel free to add me as well. Is it possible for you to wake up 30 minutes earlier and exercise? I have teenagers and know how hard it is when you are busy, but you can do it. There are a lot of people here who do and will offer their support. Best wishes on your journey.
  • Lake_Po
    Lake_Po Posts: 228 Member
    You can add me! :) I used to live in Abilene (for one summer)!
  • karenh
    karenh Posts: 44 Member
    Add me! I've lost 20-30 lbs. several times and then fall off the the wagon and gain it back. This time I'm determined to reach my goal and keep it off and I love to have friends to do this with me. I get up early and exercise to get it out of the way and I try to make it intense since time is short, I do intervals which are supposed to help burn fat and it's a more efficient workout. Maybe something like "Ten minute Trainer" would be good for you. Google it, I Don't know a lot about it but it it supposed to be good for people who don't have hours a day to spend in a gym.
  • Welcome ! anyone can feel free to add me also !
  • MsB234912
    MsB234912 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me as well. I have 5 children ( 12,8,6,4,1) and feel the same way about finding time to workout. I always want to put my children and husband first and I need to learn to make sometime for me.
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    HELLO!!! anyone can feel free to add me also!!!!
  • mel5580
    mel5580 Posts: 60 Member
    You can also feel free to add me :smile:
  • ReinaH1216
    ReinaH1216 Posts: 11 Member
    I defiantly feel your pain, feel free to add me
  • kmac0001
    kmac0001 Posts: 17 Member
    I've gained and lost 20-40 lbs so many times! What bugs me most is the slacking off from working out. I've now been working out faithfully since the first of last August. I always would say I was too tired after getting home from work or school then having to cook dinner, etc. I decided that I *have* to make the time, so my plan of action was to premake freezer and crockpot meals. That way I could walk in the door and go straight to working out before doing anything else. I wouldn't allow myself to even sit down (a killer for me-once I'm down it's over). So, you might not have dinner to worry about, but getting that workout knocked out at the gym on the way home or right when you get home will let you shake off the day and be ready to spend good time with your family without guilt.
    P.S. Anyone can add me. I've only been on here about two weeks and am just starting to figure out how stuff works. :)