Why do so many members hide there diary???

I'm new to this site and i have noticed that there are allot of members who block there diary's. I think that everyone should let the new members and members period get a look at what they are eating so that it helps them achieve there goal as well.


  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    I am not sure why I have mine set to "hidden." When I first logged onto mfp it was already set that way and I didn't know for a few weeks I could see people's food diaries. I look at other people's for inspiration and ideas and sometimes I look at my own and think..."you eat too much!" even when I am within my calorie range.

    Maybe I should rethink keeping it private....
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Did fine losing mine without allowing anyone to look at mine or looking at anyone else's. I think some people hide them so they can be really honest without feeling judged if they have a bad day or moment for that fact while others might be more careful if they know someone else will be looking at it. I think do whatever works for you cuz you're the only one you have to please and that can make your weight loss journey a success.

    Welcome and good luck! This site was a HUGE help to me to lose my weight, couldn't have done it without it.
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Did fine losing mine without allowing anyone to look at mine or looking at anyone else's. I think some people hide them so they can be really honest without feeling judged if they have a bad day or moment for that fact while others might be more careful if they know someone else will be looking at it. I think do whatever works for you cuz you're the only one you have to please and that can make your weight loss journey a success.

    Welcome and good luck! This site was a HUGE help to me to lose my weight, couldn't have done it without it.
  • ysaidpie
    My diary is all over. I add every ingredient I put into what I eat, so I don't know if people would even know what I ate. And I don't add some stuff that is zero calories- like my coffee. So it just looks like I had sugar & soymilk when in reality that went into my coffee. Plus I eat.... Like, a lot!! Only 1200 calories a day (more depending on exercise), but yet my diary is always so long filled with food. I eat a lot of mini-meals. So I guess the "fat girl" inside me is still embarrassed to let people see how much I eat, despite the fact that I am within my calorie limit & I eat pretty healthy foods. Also, I eat the same stuff almost everyday and I am kinda embarrassed of my peanut butter & banana sandwich which I sometimes eat twice a day, lol!!
  • mikioi
    mikioi Posts: 86 Member
    I agree... I dont know how to change mine to public. I think it was pre-set.
  • ❤B☩❤
    To be honest, there are members out there that give unsolicited criticism, and sometimes can get downright bossy about what should be consumed.

    I have mine available to only friends.

    Welcome to the site and good luck with your journey! :drinker:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I keep mine hidden for the simple fact that I don't log my food every single day or log everything I eat for that matter. Also, I have seen some people say really nasty things to others about what they ate! I have seen it escalate to where there was name calling and feelings hurt, so I just don't want to deal with people telling me what I should or shouldn't eat in that manner. We are all here to support each other not put each other down.
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    You can change your diary under the "Home" tab under the "Settings" sub tab. It's at the bottom of the page.

    MFP has it auto-set to private so you must change it to public.

    As others have stated some people can be outright nasty about the things other people eat.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    I have mine set to private. I don't want people to judge me for what I eat. I make adjustments that work for me and only me. I am more accountable without people seeing it. I think some people feel people will judge them and then they won't stay the course.
    I say whatever works for the individual is what's best for them.
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I don't necessarily eat "healthy", but I have managed to stay under my calories for 29 of the 30 days I've been on here!! =) I want this change to be a way of life for the rest of my life. So I eat "normal" food, not special diet food, maybe just less of what I used to eat, and better choices when I buy bread, ect.... I did give up Pop. Don't miss it at all, I thought I would!!!! =) You do what is best for YOU. that is whats gonna work!! and be honest..... no matter what. =)
    Best Wishes for your journey!
  • stringcheeze
    My diary is a work in progress as I figure out what works for me. I don't mind anyone taking a look for ideas or to make comments -- someone else's suggestion might be a good idea and I'll consider anything as long as it isn't delivered with a "you must do this else you're dumb" attitude. I know people who had their diaries open served as inspiration to me when I first began; it would be quite nice if I could do the same for someone else.
  • jcompton3821
    To be honest, there are members out there that give unsolicited criticism, and sometimes can get downright bossy about what should be consumed.

    I have mine available to only friends.

    Welcome to the site and good luck with your journey! :drinker:

    This is exactly why mine is set to private!!!
  • arnoldnagy
    arnoldnagy Posts: 51 Member
    I never really thought about it before. I guess just by being on this site we are admitting we have issues we want to work on and maybe opening the diary up would leave us a little too vulnerable to criticism. You've got me thinking about it though. I just might open mine up. Try not to kick my *kitten* if it's only half filled in or you see an occasional donut on there. lol


    P.S. I just changed my diary settings from "Private" to "Friends Only" (baby steps)
  • stringcheeze
    Try not to kick my *kitten* if it's only half filled in or you see an occasional donut on there. lol

    The occasional donut is all about the learning process!

    Edit: To add; if the donut was daily, and now its occasional, all the better (the learning process referred to above).
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I don't necessarily eat "healthy", but I have managed to stay under my calories for 29 of the 30 days I've been on here!! =) I want this change to be a way of life for the rest of my life. So I eat "normal" food, not special diet food, maybe just less of what I used to eat, and better choices when I buy bread, ect.... I did give up Pop. Don't miss it at all, I thought I would!!!! =) You do what is best for YOU. that is whats gonna work!! and be honest..... no matter what. =)
    Best Wishes for your journey!

    I feel the exact same way. I keep mine private because I really don't eat that healthy. I'm not into salads and whatnot. I eat a lot of processed stuff, so I don't want to be judged. I'm not a "clean" and "fresh" and "vegan" eater. Like for today, I've had bologna (light, haha) sandwiches and chips for lunch, swedish fish candies and freeze-dried apple slices for snacks, and a chicken burrito with sour cream and guacamole (hold the cheese :) ) for dinner from a restaurant. Yeah, not what I see on other MFP diaries. And I think for the past few nights I've had ramen noodles. Haha. There's no way I wouldn't be judged if people had access to my diary. I'd probably get a few private messages telling me I need to eat less processed crap. Oh frickin' well. I've lost 71 pounds so far and still losing. If I want to eat what everybody calls "empty calories", that's my business.
  • Andi_Mo
    Andi_Mo Posts: 243
    I have mine set to private. I don't want people to judge me for what I eat. I make adjustments that work for me and only me. I am more accountable without people seeing it. I think some people feel people will judge them and then they won't stay the course.
    I say whatever works for the individual is what's best for them.

    These are my exact reasons.....
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    The simple answer is because some people are private. With the codes you have the option of giving it out to certain people.

    I see the interest in seeing what someone successful is eating. And I'm guessing there have to be many here that are proud of what they choose so they post it to all. It just depends on the person.
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    I should add that my diary is public and I am totally unashamed about anything I eat. Even the stuff I shouldn't. And today I was over my calories.

    This is a life-change, not a diet. It does not happen over night and there are still things even I struggle with even after counting my calories for over 2 years.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    Mine's wide open, and I log every morsel.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    I dont even know if mine is public.. so it probably isn't. I don't really want it public either because i hardly ever fill it out because by the end of the day when i get onto MFP I have forgotten what i actually ate