Pop withdrawal

Who is doing it? Who has done it? What am I expecting ?


  • LittleonebeforethethroneofGod
    Hi I'm in the process of doing so. But I don't think I want to totally eradicate pop from my diet as it is used mainly as a reward food on Sundays or another day in which I feel I need one. I used to drink 2-3 sodas a day, and am now to 2 to 3 sodas a week depending on how the week is going.

    I also was starting to limit my coffee intake and now only have coffee maybe once a week. I started drinking plenty of water, teas, and apple juice.

    When I first reduced soda, I really felt bad with the withdrawal headaches, but a few nanoproxin will take care of that.

    If I was to give any advice, I'd say cut down gradually, that way your body won't be in for such a shock if you were to cut it out completely all at one time.

    Best of luck.
  • Geier42013
    Geier42013 Posts: 4 Member
    It sucks. Im not gonna lie to you. You will have a headache for a week at least. Then when you dont give in, your body will crave sweets. And its the worst sweet craving you will ever get. But by 2 weeks and if you kept away from excess sugars, you will feel so great and the weight just melts off after that. I find now nothing but water craves my thirst, and I never used any of those water flavor things.
  • tyrsnbdr
    tyrsnbdr Posts: 234 Member
    I had a caffine headache for a couple of days, but I reduced it by taking caffinee pills. Other than that, It wasn't to hard for me.
  • AJL_Daddy
    AJL_Daddy Posts: 525 Member
    Day #2 for me.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    I swapped out my Diet Mt Dew and Diet Sunkist for coffee. I still need the caffeine (in moderation) but wanted to get rid of the artificial sweetners. I'm doing okay. I think it takes about a week to really get it out of your system and get over the dull headache. I do feel a lot less bloated now.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    A few times a year I quit caffine cold turkey. For what I've seen, your reaction depends on how much caffine your body is used to, mainly, though I'm sure there are other factors. I get headaches for about 3 days, mostly in the evening. Then I'm fine. Many people have it a lot worse and say it takes them a few weeks to feel right again.

    Be advised that pain relievers have caffine (including midol, etc.) so if you are trying to quit that all together you need to find cold packs or whatever to deal with the headaches instead until you adjust.
  • ab_1203
    ab_1203 Posts: 88 Member
    10 days here without but Im not totally taking it out my diet, Ill probably have one every couple of weeks. Soda doesnt really have much control over me as much as chocolate and ice cream.
  • redrobbiek
    It will be 4 weeks on Thursday.
    Honestly, by the time I drink as much water as I'm supposed to, I have no desire for the pop.
    It's been okay!? I hope it is for you too!