Lets keep eachother motivated!!!



  • peacewithin
    I do well on some days and days like yesterday I binged... I hate it. Down a few pounds only to go back up. I think I'm a sugar addict. :(
  • tryhard09090
    peacewithin- i know exactly how you feel! i have been struggling with the horrible cycle of bunging and purging for 1 1/2 years, and now I'm fed up!
    i don't know about you, but when i binge its about 3000-5000 cals, completely ruins the weeks hard work!
  • ryjoysmom
    ryjoysmom Posts: 36 Member
    I would love to have some new friends to help me reach my goal too! I weighed in at 250 last week when I started and have lost 4 pds so far. Have tried different diets in the past and nothing has seemed to work for the long term. I have a 10 yr old daughter and I am doing this for her and I both. I want to be an example for her and I want her to be proud of me. My goal weight is 170 and I have a LONG way to go to get there but hopefully I can do it with the help of some of you! Add me and we can support each other through this journey!
  • Allykay19
    @peacewithin hunny dont feel bad believe me we've all had those time sweets are a drug to me just stay focused and remeber how much wrk itll take to work that off

    @ryjoysmom well glad t see you here hun! hope we can push eachother toward our goals it's a long journey but not an impossible one !!!
  • Allykay19
  • AleKeo
    AleKeo Posts: 12
    Hello ladies! I just made a facebook group for support ;) message me on here if you wanna join!
  • aless820
    aless820 Posts: 101 Member
    @ angel of harm sounds awesome! glad to meet you :3 you should def do the squat challenge with me

    @aless mmmhmm you can believe i am !!! how's your journey going?

    It's going alright! Had a few fries today and didn't go to the gym but everything I ate was healthy (salad and turkey burger for dinner)
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    @ angel of harm sounds awesome! glad to meet you :3 you should def do the squat challenge with me

    @aless mmmhmm you can believe i am !!! how's your journey going?

    I'm in! Going to start day 1 today on squat challenge. :)