School Lunches

I'm having difficulties finding the nutritional information for school lunches.. Anyonne know where i can find them? Been looking on the district website and cant find anything


  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    If your school lunch is anything like the cafeteria serves where I work (I'm a middle school teacher), I would pack my lunch. Seriously, they served DORITOS twice last week!! I'm guessing they're considering it to be a grain.

    If you contact the school cafeteria, they will have the information. I have several students who are diabetic, so the cafeteria has to provide nutritional information for those students. I doubt you'll ever find it on a district website.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Depending on the district, it may be that there's a central kitchen, and they should be able to give you nutritional information. Ours can, but I had to ask "up the food chain" until I got to a manager.

    Usually it's incomplete: I was checking for allergens and animal products. It may be more difficult to get accurate vitamin/sodium information.

    CA has state guidelines for fat and calories in school lunches, however, at the state department of education website. Which is less fun to navigate than the central kitchen chain of command was.

    Good luck!