HRM P90X/strength training??

Ok, I am not near as knowledgeable as I would like to be on heart rates, exercise, etc. as I would like to if you could help me out I would appreciate it!

I have seen some things on here about not using HRM for strength training because it doesn't actually count it?? I have a polar ft7 and I thought it had a v02 max on it but can't seem to find it. is this what I would use for strength training or am I completely off?? Also, I have seen people using it for p90x....but didn't know if this was right if it's not accurate for strength training?? I just don't want to give myself too many calories...or wear it for strength if it's not accurate.

Thank you in advance!


  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I wore my HRM w/chest strap during P90X strength training because they start out with a few mins of cardio to get your heart rate up and muscles warmed up and depending on how much effort you put into it, you keep your heart up throughout the workout. So I counted those calories per my HRM, ate them all while sticking to my MFP cals and kept losing 1 lb/week with no issues. Hope that helps!
  • skydiveskier
    I've got the FT7 as well and use it for everything from strength training (750-800 calories in 85 minutes) to morning LISS (200 calories in 30 minutes) Plug these into this system and you'll get a good idea of where you need to be, calorie wise.

    Hope this helps.

    If you've got any other questions, feel free to ask.