Lets motivate each other!

I'm a 23 year old looking to lose at least 45 pounds by the end of July.

I'm 5 feet
CW: 173 lbs
GW: 125-128lbs
( For my first goal I would love to hit 160 by the end of March)

I enjoy yoga and I hike weekly.

I need motivation because I work at an office sitting down all day, which led to a 30lb weight gain in about a year. I need motivation to hit the gym everyday or at least 5 times a week. I also need motivation with meal prep so that I don't resort to eating out for lunch.

Add me if you think we can help each other!


  • suzely0530
    suzely0530 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi there, I also have an office job and it really affects the body in a neg way ! I've been on MFP for over a year and would love to offer support. If there are any ladies who'd also like support, feel free to add me :)
  • Hey my name is Britney,
    My goal is to lose as much weight as I can. I have been over weight for years and I would love to get down to about 180 by the end of the summer. in that case I would have to lose about 3.5lbs a week for 28 weeks.
    I sit a lot because I take care of an elderly person that doesn't get out she just sits all the time. I have joined a gym to start going to and I am trying to do the 1400 calorie diet. I also need motivation because I am one of those that if I don't see results right away I give up very easy.