Hi! New Here, Post RNY Gastric Bypass, 8 wks.

I just want to say HI! I'm Jo, a Mom of 3 grown children as well as 6 lively grandboys who has been struggling with weight issues all my life. After so many years of research and informational sessions and chickening out and thinking I could do it myself, this past fall and winter, I finally admitted that I'm a food addict and went for help. The ultimate outcome of this help was a decision to have the RNY Gastric Bypass procedure done. As of today, 8 weeks post-op, I'm down a total of 62 pounds from May, when I began the journey with my awesomely supportive surgical team and wonderful doctors, and since surgery itself, I've lost a total of 38 pounds ...in 8 short WEEKS! YAY!

The surgery is a wonderful tool, but it takes hard work and dedication every single day. Learning to change lifetime habits is the hardest part. I could go on forever, but I'm just here to say HELLOOOO!!!!

Come on over to my Profile and join me.

Until Next Time,


  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Jo - congrats on you progress. It is not east relearning old habits. I had RYN last April, I've lost 75 lbs since surgery and over 100 lbs from my starting weight. the first 2 months were the hardest, the last eight months flew by and the weight loss was pretty consistent. Now I am at a plateau and struggling to stay on plan and lose the last 17 lbs to reach my goal.

    I am here to support and be supported. Send me a friend request if you want company on your journey.
