Menu substitutions at church

vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
AURGH! I eat at church on Wed. night. They post in the bulletin what they are going to have on Wed. So, planning ahead, I entered all of the stuff last night so I would know exactly how many calories I had for the rest of the day. YEAH ME!

THEN I get to church and they've changed it! :grumble: ALL OF IT! :mad: The only thing the same was the chicken, and it was cooked a different way. I have to eat...I'm there for several hours with choirs and there's no way I can wait until I get home. Then when I get home I update my log and I am WAY over! :angry: This is the 2nd week this has happened, but last time it didn't effect my totals so badly.

I know it is for budget reasons but I find it very frustrating. Anyone else have problems eating at church?
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