so tired of using my treadmill! new exercises

I get so bored on my treadmill and i feel like it's getting me nowhere...i have hardly lost anything and i have been under my calories...

i just don't know what else to do...i have a lot more fun doing just dance songs and some ive seen online.

any suggestions?

i want to love working out and i absolutely hate it...i have to get used to it as a daily thing! help!!!!!!


  • acarmelo1
    acarmelo1 Posts: 76 Member
    When did you started?, How many calories are you eating? Have you try getting a Nintedo Wii and Using Wii fit?
  • proudjmmom
    proudjmmom Posts: 145 Member
    Get outside and ditch the treadmill! There is so much more to see and a change in scenery is a great motivator. You can go so much further. You never get bored outside!
  • gneeleanie
    Have you tried treadmill pushes? It's still on the treadmill, but it will give you the cardio workout of your life in a fraction of the time.

    I would recommend you start out with shorter intervals, around 3-4 rounds to start. I also recommend you warm-up before you do any type of high-intensity interval workout. I usually walk at 3.5mph for 5 minutes before I start my first round.

    Round 1:
    - 30 seconds max speed/power
    - 30 seconds rest

    x 3-4 times

    - follow up with 5-10 minutes of walking/cool-down

    And if you like it, you can add more seconds to the max speed/power and reduce the rest seconds. What's truly messed up and glorious about this exercise though is that you are never really resting. Even when you're in your "rest period" you'll be working hard and expending mega calories. This workout is great too because it works out both your upper and lower body. :D My favorite treadmill workout of all time - I hate it and love it!

    I totally get what you mean about being bored. Before my trainer, I would go to the gym and hang out on the treadmill or elliptical or whatever and spend hours and hours doing boring mindless cardio. I've learned since then that it's more about quality over quantity - you can burn the same amount of calories in 15 minute doing a more dynamic, interesting, higher-intensity workout than you can in an hour, if you work up to it. If working out is boring for you, then something's gotta change. My trainer used to tell me that if I'm bored, I'm not working out hard enough, and I have to agree! I was soooooo bored going to the gym and doing mindless cardio all the time. Now I change up my workouts, try out new things whenever I can, and am never bored and am always fully engaged both mentally and physically at the gym.

    It sounds like you've plateaued too, if you're maintaining your calorie intake but not seeing results. What kind of results are you looking for? For example, if you're looking to tone your body and look more cut, doing low-intensity cardio over and over won't cut it. My best suggestion would be to try something new until you find something you dig: a new martial arts class, cardio kickboxing or zumba. It sounds like you like high-paced things with music. Or maybe try swimming, or join a boot camp class, or some bodybuilding. Or it can be as simple as getting a jumprope, or training to do unassisted pull-ups.

    If you're not a gym junkie like me and like to work out at home, try looking up some tabata workouts on youtube:

    There are many like these online and most of them don't require you to have any equipment.

    Good luck!!! I hope you find something to reinvigorate you! :D
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Have you tried treadmill pushes? It's still on the treadmill, but it will give you the cardio workout of your life in a fraction of the time.

    I would recommend you start out with shorter intervals, around 3-4 rounds to start. I also recommend you warm-up before you do any type of high-intensity interval workout. I usually walk at 3.5mph for 5 minutes before I start my first round.

    Round 1:
    - 30 seconds max speed/power
    - 30 seconds rest

    x 3-4 times

    - follow up with 5-10 minutes of walking/cool-down

    And if you like it, you can add more seconds to the max speed/power and reduce the rest seconds. What's truly messed up and glorious about this exercise though is that you are never really resting. Even when you're in your "rest period" you'll be working hard and expending mega calories. This workout is great too because it works out both your upper and lower body. :D My favorite treadmill workout of all time - I hate it and love it!

    We do this at the end of one of my group exercises classes, but they call it Tabata sprints. We usually do 30 seconds sprints, 10 second rests and repeat 8 times.
  • krys185
    I agree with proudjmmom! Get outside! you can look at different things, you get fresh air and there are change in inclines everywhere
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I get so bored on my treadmill and i feel like it's getting me nowhere...

    Switch to the stationary bike, I heard the view over there is so much better.
  • scottburger104
    scottburger104 Posts: 90 Member
    Get the book "Simple and Sinister" and buy a kettlebell 8 or 12 kilos to start.
  • ChadPRun
    ChadPRun Posts: 735
    Kettlebell swings! I use them as my cross training for running. They burn so many more calories in way less time than the treadmill.
  • CPlempel1013
    @acarmelo1-i started in the beginning of january and ive had no progress really...i do have a wii but i've been using those just dance games for fun. do you have to purchase wii fit? also, my scale was not working and i finally got a new one yesterday. i changed my weight and all the options and now it's telling me to eat more? i'm just confused. i was allowed 1870, now it says 2100 or something...
  • CPlempel1013
    thanks everyone! i really appreciate all the support and information! i am definitely going to try all of these! i can't wait until it gets warmer outside so i can go to the park or's been a blizzard here so it's pretty cold! lol can't wait to start trying out new things! thank you!!!!

    I had another quick do i know how many calories i am burning? what is something good that i can buy that takes in my weight and tells me an accurate calorie burn? i can never find anything worthwhile...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I get so bored on my treadmill and i feel like it's getting me nowhere...

    derp... well it IS a treadmill.

    go do something you like. The workout is because of fitness- the diet is for weight loss.