Looking for friends on here (:

I've been overweight as long as I can remember. To top it off, I just had a baby last October. I've used myfitnesspal before and it worked really well. I'm not getting any weight loss support from anyone. I'm looking for a buddy I can talk to on a regular basis, someone who has similar goals as me. We can work together to lose weight. I'd prefer to text or instant message. Distance isn't an issue. I'm 170 lbs, 18, 5'1" and I want to lose 40 lbs.


  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    Well young lady, I'm not in my teens anymore, I'm not a woman any more (just kidding---i never was), and I have never birthed any babies, HOWEVER, I did deliver 3 babies when I was a paramedic on the streets back in the day. Does that count? LOL. Anyway, I wish you the very best of luck on your journey :happy: