half marathon registry

I am registering for my first half marathon.. I've done a 10k in about 1:04 and Im not planning on doing this race until August.. I wanna keep practicing and perfecting my pace until then.. however there is a 3 hour time limit on this race which makes me nervous. I don't wanna be so consumed with my time as much as I am with finishing, but I think I could finish within 3 hours for sure.. is this a bad idea to go for my first time with a time limit? The course just looks so fabulous! no large hills and beautiful scenery.. what do you runners think?


  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    If you did 10k in 1:04 seems like you should be fine. That's just over 10 minute miles. That pace would have you finishing a half in 2:15:01. So even if you slow down quite a bit you're not in any danger of hitting 3:00:00. I would try to put it out of my head and just focus on training. Once you get a solid 10 mile run in at a good pace you'll become more confidant that you can do it. That may be a few weeks down the road, but you'll get there. In the mean time, get your miles in and have fun.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I went into my first with a time goal as well. If you are not worried about finishing, which is typically a persons first goal, then set a time goal. If you ran a 10K in 1:04, I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to train for a half under 3 easily. Good luck and enjoy.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You should be fine. I did my first half last year, and my best 10k time done during the training for that was 1:03. I managed the half in just under 2:30.

    Are you following a training plan?
  • ChadPRun
    ChadPRun Posts: 735
    With that 10k time you will have no problem finishing under the time limit. Just have fun and enjoy it. Don't even worry about your time!