New to MFP...veteran at weight struggles

Hi everyone! New to MFP but veteran at struggling with my weight! About 3 weeks ago I started taking a Spin Class and have grown to love to hate to love it! Trying to lose about 20 lbs. Trying to squeeze in any ME time to work out but it's difficult sometimes between work, kids, responsibilities, etc. It's been sad that my own personal health has taken a back seat to other responsibilities and obligations but I'm getting back into the swing of things...1 Spin class at a time! I'm a firm believer that motivation is a good key to this kind of success. For example, I had every intention of skipping Spin tonight and as I'm walking out of my office door, locking up and talking to my co-worker, I told her I was thinking of skipping tonight. She said that she was actually headed home to change clothes and go for a run...I hung my head, cussed to myself, and grabbed my gym clothes from the back of my car....1 more class and I'm that much closer to my goal! Spending a lifetime of gaining weight, losing weight, gaining weight, getting pregnant, keeping the weight, slightly losing the weight but immediately gaining the weight....10 years after my son was born, I've still been gaining and maintaining the highest weight. So here we go....20 lbs....I think I can! :-)
