Any brides try to lose?!

I have been on MFP for a while now and mostly use it to just stay aware of my eating habits so I don't get too out of control!

However, I am getting married in 12 weeks and would LOVE to lose 8-10 pounds by then. I am working out twice a week with a personal trainer and doing another day of cardio by myself (I know I need to ramp this up!). Working out has significantly changed how I look and feel. I have only lost 6 pounds, but I have lost 19 inches total which I am super happy about!

I am also trying to stay on track food-wise and would love some support and new friends on MFP!

Right now, I am working full time in research at a hospital, getting my Master's in education, buying our first home, planning a wedding, and taking care of a new puppy, so I TRY to log every day, but I'll admit, I DO miss days :)

Friend me with a message if you'd like a new MFP friend!