Upper arm injury

While doing chest presses in Body Pump yesterday I felt a pop in my left upper arm. It hurts when I move it, so I went to an urgent care center last night. The doctor there said I sprained it. Is it possible to sprain your upper arm in the deltoid area?


  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Yes, and it is also possible to get a rotator cuff tear. I would suggest ice and rest until it feels better. If it is still hurts after few days, and if you are having impingement, ask the doctor for an X ray or MRI order

    I hope that it is only a transient problem.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    A sprain is a ligament injury. It's possible to injure a shoulder ligament, but the term "sprain" is often used when they don't know the exact problem. It could also be a torn muscle, cartilage, or tendon, and an urgent care nurse might not be skilled enough to tell the difference, especially without a scan. I would see a sports doctor or orthopedist to get a proper diagnosis.