California mom looking for support!

Hi, I'm Nikie (that's Nik-y the name not Nike the brand). I am a single mom of three and want to lose about 100 lbs. I am hoping to build up a friend base of people who are also looking to lose a good chunk of weight and would like to support one another through it. I am hoping to find people in central California or people crazy enough to come into the area. My hope is that we can arrange to hang out and dance and celebrate our success and determination once a month or every other month. To keep one another on track and to no longer feel like we are in this alone.

Even if you are not in the state, or interested in meeting up, but are serious about your goal, please friend me and lets work together to stay on track! Drop me a line, send a friends request or respond to this thread if any of this works for you!
