Bulking and alcohol question

So I'm currently bulking (female) for almost four weeks now. I am planning to drink (a lot) this Friday for my friends birthday. I know alcohol is not good for anything really including muscle building and losing fat but I rarely drink anymore at all even though I'm in college and I do enjoy drinking sometimes. My question is, is there any precautions I can take minus just not drinking? I heard alcohol slows protein synthesis so should I eat more protein than normal on this day? Should I eat more csloroes? Less carbs? Should I try to fit in the alcohol calories with my macros or just eat my daily goal and not count alcohol calories? I usually have leg day on Friday so I will be lifting 5-6 hours before the party! Would love any real tips minus just not drinking haha.


  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    You answered yourself right there at the end,
    ... "haha" ...