Gaining weight even though eating right/working out



  • mochamommy
    mochamommy Posts: 187 Member
    what does bump mean?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    what does bump mean?

    It keeps a topic in the "recent topics" list so that people can keep an eye on it.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It's most likely water retention.

    And FWIW, I'd throw away the sit ups, but that's me.
  • Anens630
    Anens630 Posts: 54 Member
    YES! I think the sit ups are bad! My stomach muscles tore apart with my 3rd child, my son. He was 11 lbs when he was born and chomping on a turkey leg as he was crowning. He tore my stomach apart. I have heard so many opinions on stomach...I've heard that you can "do sit ups but MUST do cardio" and I've heard "don't do it b/c your stomach muscles are seperated which will create two buldges coming out of her stomach like Alien".

    I don't know what to do but i do know that I have the "mom pouch" and no matter what I look like, i look preggo and I blame that on my small chest too. I think bigger chested women can get away with a tummy b/c they look curvy...where, if my belly sticks out more than my boobs, I look like I have a beer belly and I promise, I haven't done keg stands since I was 25.


    I also just got done with my period but I guess I could still be hormonal....also, I *think* my sodium is okay...I stopped eating frozen weight watchers b/c of all the sodium, junk, etc....I eat lettuce and grilled chicken, or a whole wheat PBJ with 1 tablespoon of organic peanut butter and jelly and an apple for lunch. We eat pretty clean in our house---lots of fresh produce and not a lot of packaged items. Except I do eat grains like bread or sometimes old-fashioned oatmeal with flaxseed and brown sugar (1 tablespoon) and craisens.

    I have been using cauliflower instead of potatoes for mashed potatoes---cauliflower potatoes.

    I just don't want to hide anymore behind clothes. I want to be the mom at the playground wearing shorts and a tank top and not jeans anymore. When it's 90 deg out, I don't want to wear jeans and think to myself "man I wish these kids would tire themselves out b/c I want to go back inside b/c I am having hot flashes".
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    It keeps a topic in the "recent topics" list so that people can keep an eye on it.
    In these forums people seem to use it so they get it shown up in their 'my topics'.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    weight loss is not linear. It is up and down but the overall trend should be down.
    You've lost 8 lbs and so are doing something right.
    Have patience and be gentle with yourself.
  • Anens630
    Anens630 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks again for the supportive comments and responses. I have no one to talk to b/c my husband runs 5 miles a day and looks fab and never gave birth and doesn't understand all this crazy mental hoopla. He doesn't understand what it feels like to be one minute, dancing to Pit Bull in Zumba class, and the next, realize you are on the floor and everyone is staring down at you b/c you accidentally tripped over your own vag due to the small village you keep producing. ;) HA!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Thanks again for the supportive comments and responses. I have no one to talk to b/c my husband runs 5 miles a day and looks fab and never gave birth and doesn't understand all this crazy mental hoopla. He doesn't understand what it feels like to be one minute, dancing to Pit Bull in Zumba class, and the next, realize you are on the floor and everyone is staring down at you b/c you accidentally tripped over your own vag due to the small village you keep producing. ;) HA!

    Don't make yourself a victim. Don't feel bad for yourself. You can get in shape too
  • ezloshead
    ezloshead Posts: 167 Member
    If you weigh yourself at seven and the morning and at seven in the evening, there would be a 2 pound difference. It doesn't mean you got bigger it just means you're human. It's from the cycle of hormones and eating/pooing, drinking/peeing.
    If you want an accurate display of your hard work step on the scale at the same time of day and only once a week. Then don't look at it for another seven days. It's hard and sometimes you feel like you're getting nowhere but even when you don't lose as much as you wanted you are still making changes to your life that are making you a overall healthier and stronger woman.
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    It's normal.

    I am a competitive cyclist trying to lose about 20 lb from Dec. to May. Not a huge undertaking, but hard because I can't seriously undereat ( like a 1200 cal day) and put a quality training session.

    Water weight makes a huge difference. Where do the fluctuations come from?

    Hormones: better explanations from other members
    Salt intake: seriously, I am about 1-2 lb heavier after eating oriental foods with lots of sodium. Bad for morale, but not a big deal overall).
    Food intake: not the obvious, but to keep in mind. I eat more carbs on long training days (3+ hours, about 2200 calories burnt on the bike). Each gram of carbohydrates going in needs 4 grams of water to be assimilated and then burnt during workout - that is a lot of water.

    Reasonable weight loss is not fast. If you're a bit prone to anxiety I'd average the weigh over a week to shave the peaks and valleys and get a better overall picture. And please don't consider the "biggest loser" gospel. There is one good thing they do - get professional help (doctors, coaches, nutritionists, etc). If you have the means, do some research and find some good professional advice. It probably won't be free - you already have MFP and the internets for free.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    You need to relax. Impatience with the process WILL sink your motivation. If you did not know this, you need to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you use the bathroom and before you eat and drink anything without clothes. This gives you the most consistent weight. If you drink two 16 ounce glasses of water and step on the scale, you will weigh two pounds more. Also, your monthly cycle affects your weight. Keep doing what you are doing and you will see results.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    YES! I think the sit ups are bad! My stomach muscles tore apart with my 3rd child, my son. He was 11 lbs when he was born and chomping on a turkey leg as he was crowning. He tore my stomach apart. I have heard so many opinions on stomach...I've heard that you can "do sit ups but MUST do cardio" and I've heard "don't do it b/c your stomach muscles are seperated which will create two buldges coming out of her stomach like Alien".

    I don't know what to do but i do know that I have the "mom pouch" and no matter what I look like, i look preggo and I blame that on my small chest too. I think bigger chested women can get away with a tummy b/c they look curvy...where, if my belly sticks out more than my boobs, I look like I have a beer belly and I promise, I haven't done keg stands since I was 25.


    I also just got done with my period but I guess I could still be hormonal....also, I *think* my sodium is okay...I stopped eating frozen weight watchers b/c of all the sodium, junk, etc....I eat lettuce and grilled chicken, or a whole wheat PBJ with 1 tablespoon of organic peanut butter and jelly and an apple for lunch. We eat pretty clean in our house---lots of fresh produce and not a lot of packaged items. Except I do eat grains like bread or sometimes old-fashioned oatmeal with flaxseed and brown sugar (1 tablespoon) and craisens.

    I have been using cauliflower instead of potatoes for mashed potatoes---cauliflower potatoes.

    I just don't want to hide anymore behind clothes. I want to be the mom at the playground wearing shorts and a tank top and not jeans anymore. When it's 90 deg out, I don't want to wear jeans and think to myself "man I wish these kids would tire themselves out b/c I want to go back inside b/c I am having hot flashes".

    Why wouldn't you buy attractive clothes, including short, that look good in your size? Confidence, happiness, and good posture are very attractive and make you look fabulous. Stop comparing yourself against others and look in the mirror. Make a list of the parts of you that you like/adore, do your make up, hair, and wear nice clothes. The better you feel, the more motivated you become.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    YES! I think the sit ups are bad! My stomach muscles tore apart with my 3rd child, my son. He was 11 lbs when he was born and chomping on a turkey leg as he was crowning. He tore my stomach apart. I have heard so many opinions on stomach...I've heard that you can "do sit ups but MUST do cardio" and I've heard "don't do it b/c your stomach muscles are seperated which will create two buldges coming out of her stomach like Alien".

    I don't know what to do but i do know that I have the "mom pouch" and no matter what I look like, i look preggo and I blame that on my small chest too. I think bigger chested women can get away with a tummy b/c they look curvy...where, if my belly sticks out more than my boobs, I look like I have a beer belly and I promise, I haven't done keg stands since I was 25.


    I also just got done with my period but I guess I could still be hormonal....also, I *think* my sodium is okay...I stopped eating frozen weight watchers b/c of all the sodium, junk, etc....I eat lettuce and grilled chicken, or a whole wheat PBJ with 1 tablespoon of organic peanut butter and jelly and an apple for lunch. We eat pretty clean in our house---lots of fresh produce and not a lot of packaged items. Except I do eat grains like bread or sometimes old-fashioned oatmeal with flaxseed and brown sugar (1 tablespoon) and craisens.

    I have been using cauliflower instead of potatoes for mashed potatoes---cauliflower potatoes.

    I just don't want to hide anymore behind clothes. I want to be the mom at the playground wearing shorts and a tank top and not jeans anymore. When it's 90 deg out, I don't want to wear jeans and think to myself "man I wish these kids would tire themselves out b/c I want to go back inside b/c I am having hot flashes".

    I threw out "throw away the sit ups", because they're probably not doing what you want them to. If you want to do core exercises, that's great (sit ups aren't really a core exercise, more hip flexor), but they don't do what it sounds like you're hoping they do.

    You're looking for:

    Mild Caloric Deficit + Work (Cardio + Strength/Weight Compound movements) + Patience.

    You'll get there with 1 and 3, but will most likely be happier with your results if you incorporate all 3. The paitience part is you have to realize that you need to lower your overall BF% before the "mom pouch" will go away, as that is usally the last place the body burns fat from, no matter the exercise. Core exercises are good for core strength, but are low calorie burners, so they don't do as much for lowering that BF% as some hope.

    As the overall BF% lowers, your midsection should fat should lessen as well.

    You'll notice that many on here with nice midsections actually do little to no isolated ab work.
  • mmcdonald700
    mmcdonald700 Posts: 116 Member
    YES! I think the sit ups are bad! My stomach muscles tore apart with my 3rd child, my son. He was 11 lbs when he was born and chomping on a turkey leg as he was crowning. He tore my stomach apart. I have heard so many opinions on stomach...I've heard that you can "do sit ups but MUST do cardio" and I've heard "don't do it b/c your stomach muscles are seperated which will create two buldges coming out of her stomach like Alien".

    I don't know what to do but i do know that I have the "mom pouch" and no matter what I look like, i look preggo and I blame that on my small chest too. I think bigger chested women can get away with a tummy b/c they look curvy...where, if my belly sticks out more than my boobs, I look like I have a beer belly and I promise, I haven't done keg stands since I was 25.


    I also just got done with my period but I guess I could still be hormonal....also, I *think* my sodium is okay...I stopped eating frozen weight watchers b/c of all the sodium, junk, etc....I eat lettuce and grilled chicken, or a whole wheat PBJ with 1 tablespoon of organic peanut butter and jelly and an apple for lunch. We eat pretty clean in our house---lots of fresh produce and not a lot of packaged items. Except I do eat grains like bread or sometimes old-fashioned oatmeal with flaxseed and brown sugar (1 tablespoon) and craisens.

    I have been using cauliflower instead of potatoes for mashed potatoes---cauliflower potatoes.

    I just don't want to hide anymore behind clothes. I want to be the mom at the playground wearing shorts and a tank top and not jeans anymore. When it's 90 deg out, I don't want to wear jeans and think to myself "man I wish these kids would tire themselves out b/c I want to go back inside b/c I am having hot flashes".

    There's a lot of body negativity in the beginning part of this, and in all of your posts. Someone said don't play the victim... and I agree. Mothers aren't victims they're strong, self-sacrificing, amazing women with amazingly strong bodies with some battle scars to show. Some women will get their "pre-pregnancy" body back without surgery, others will pay for a surgery, and most will never look quite the same - whether it's the "mom pooch" (that bit of loose skin), stretchmarks, a c-section scar, you name it. I'm not a mother, although I may be one day, so I'm not going to pretend I can understand exactly how you feel right now because I haven't been there. But I can sympathize that it is probably tough to love your different body that western society doesn't value nearly enough.

    There are a lot of websites like this one that I encourage you to check out. It shows all shapes and sizes of women who are mothers and celebrates their bodies :). I'm not saying that because you may never look exactly how you want to (no one really ever does) that should enable you to be unhealthy or anything, but I encourage you to love your body now and at your goal weight and embrace all the changes it has gone through - it doesn't have to be a punishment, it can be a trophy depending on how you choose to look at it. I wish you all the best of luck! And remember :) your body is beautiful and it gave you your beautiful children! :)