Resting HR

Just got a new HRM with the strap. When I work out say for a hour I burn 645 calories. Should I be subtracting my resting calories for the hour? (resting (for a minute) x 60)



  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I personally only tract the activity I do, then reset for the next one. It is up to you how you do it, just stay constant.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Yes you should as those calories are already calculated in your maintenance cals. To get the amount to back out take your maintenance cals per minute multiplied by the amount of time you workout. So if your maintenance cals are 1800 you would back out 75 (1800/24 which is 1.25/minute) for an hour long workout. So in this example you would enter 570 (645-75).
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Ohh no.. I haven't been doing this at all. I just got my HRM last Friday.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I thought the HRM would take that into consideration.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I thought the HRM would take that into consideration.

    HRM's only calculate total caloric burn, not extra calories burned. So in essence you do burn the full amount on your HRM, but MFP already accounts for some of them and if they don't get backed out they are double counted. This is really only an issue on workouts longer than 30 minutes as less than that the cals burned at rest are minimal. It becomes an issue more so during longer training sessions at lower intensity.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I thought the HRM would take that into consideration.

    HRM's only calculate total caloric burn, not extra calories burned. So in essence you do burn the full amount on your HRM, but MFP already accounts for some of them and if they don't get backed out they are double counted. This is really only an issue on workouts longer than 30 minutes as less than that the cals burned at rest are minimal. It becomes an issue more so during longer training sessions at lower intensity.

    If you were to work out for 20 or 25 minutes on one machine, record your calorie burn, reset your HRM and then workout on another machine for 20 or 25 minutes.. would you be required to take off the calories? Or does it not matter, anything above 30 minutes requires to be accounting resting HR calories?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I thought the HRM would take that into consideration.

    HRM's only calculate total caloric burn, not extra calories burned. So in essence you do burn the full amount on your HRM, but MFP already accounts for some of them and if they don't get backed out they are double counted. This is really only an issue on workouts longer than 30 minutes as less than that the cals burned at rest are minimal. It becomes an issue more so during longer training sessions at lower intensity.

    If you were to work out for 20 or 25 minutes on one machine, record your calorie burn, reset your HRM and then workout on another machine for 20 or 25 minutes.. would you be required to take off the calories? Or does it not matter, anything above 30 minutes requires to be accounting resting HR calories?

    Well if you workout for a total of 40 minutes and don't back out the cals and assuming you eat all of your exercise cals you will overestimate your caloric burn by about 50 cals (1.25x40). So it is best to back them out anyway, if you plan on eating them all.
  • ktyang04
    Wow... good to know... thank you.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've always subtracted a calorie per minute of workout from the total my HRM gives me, pretty much since I got it. I remembered reading it somewhere on the forums and it's definitely important. I would wear my heart rate monitor when walking around DC or the mall and the calories burned aren't that high. I'd end up backing out 120-200 calories and it makes a big difference.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I never have
  • Lindsay7360

    Thanks for this info!