No More Excuses

My husband and I have been up and down the diet roller coaster for years, some with great success. Sadly though we get right back up to the top of the roller coaster and sit like we are waiting for someone to fix the track. Well this time we are going to just climb down the track one step at a time. I am reading a book by Dr. Wayne Dyer called EXCUSES BEGONE I recommend the read. I read a line in his book that made me & my husband really stop and think maybe it will for you too. "The only thing and excuse gives you is an option out of the life you'd like to live." No more unhealthy living excuses for me. I have between 130 - 160 to lose and I will do it. I would welcome any new friends with a positive outlook on life, because lets face it no matter what size you are life is worth living. Hugzzzz to all you warriors out there.


  • aimeegoudas
    aimeegoudas Posts: 26 Member
    I was all about excuses for so long. It is so hard to get past that and just decide that you are the captain of your ship. I still feel like sometimes I want to sit down and get a tan! But when I do that, the ship hits rocks. So, this year I committed to abandoning excuses. 10 Lbs down, so many to go. Having people to be accountable to helps so much! That's why we are all on MFP. Stay the course!