Weights: what's your routine?

I've just joined a new gym which has an extensive range of equipment (cardio machines, weight machines and free weights). It's also open 24 hours so I'm sure I can find a time when guys won't be hogging the squat rack!

I'm trying to put together a routine for myself as, up until now, I haven't been consistent.

Do you target different muscles on different days or do full body sessions? Machines or free weights? How often do you train each muscle group? How long did it take you to see results?

Lots of questions (lol) but looking forward to hearing what's working for everyone else.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    There are different ways to get in shape, but you can't go wrong following an established strength program, like New Rules of Lifting, or Stronglifts. They explain everything. Body changes happen slowly, so enjoy the ride.