Medditeranean Crusie! Need Help!

DeserveVictory Posts: 133 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So I just found out that my boyfriend has been talking with his sister. I guess she has found a great deal on a 12 day medditeranean cruise next May. Vance and I have been talking about doing a cruise like that for probably 2 years. I would LOVE to go!

BUT.... I have fallen off my diet/exercise plan and can't seem to pick myself up :(

What do I do? I have lots of time to loose wieght the healthy way if I start now, but how do I make myself stick to it? I always seem to have great motivation for a week maybe a week and a half and then it dies. And I have gained back a few more pounds :(

But I did start a Bellydancing class last night and am loving it! :)

I would love any advice anyone has to offer! :)


  • kelzz193
    kelzz193 Posts: 120 Member
    I struggled with this same problem for years. I could find excuse after excuse to not stick to a program. Nothing clicked until a dietitian told me, you have to stop looking at food & exercise as good and bad. Food is simply fuel for your body and exercise keeps you heathly, PERIOD. Very simple advice that somehow hit home and created one of those "ahhhhaaa" moments for me. it's taken me 2 years but I've lost 87 pounds during that time by just eating sensibly, logging to hold myself accountable and exercising 3-4 times a week. You can do it too!!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I have the same problem...good for a week or two, but then blah! I'm hoping to keep it going consistantly now....and I think this site is going to really help. My big issue was/is always food. I think about it constantly, always hungry, love food! But seeing how the calories add up so quickly kinda puts things in perspective for me. So I'm hoping that the food diary is my lifesaver! I'm sure you can do it, you have tons of time if you stick with it! Feel free to friend me, we can motivate each other.... Oh, also... can I go on the cruise too!? So jealous... :wink:
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