Business travel tips and tricks?

I'm on my first business trip since I started my new lifestyle - it's only 3 days, so not the end of the world if i mess up, but for others who travel for work, what are your tips/tricks for keeping on track? My days during business hours are going to consist of a lot of sitting and going out for meals. <sigh> Which brings me to another question, when you go to a restaurant that isn't a chain and doesn't have specific nutrition info available, how do you count the calories? For instance, I have no idea how many calories might be in a curry dish I might order at a thai restaurant, and I don't have the foggiest idea what the base of the sauce is ... do you just avoid those foods? (which would be a real bummer!)


  • DonnaJones7
    DonnaJones7 Posts: 99 Member
    I travel full time and the best advice I can give you is: realize that a restaurant will make you anything, any way you like it. Stick to protein or salads for lunch (eat a chicken breast or meat with no bread, etc.) for lunch. Go where you like for dinner, just ask for things how you would like to make them at home (fish, beef, chicken, veggies, etc.). I don't often eat Thai food (I'm a wimp), but run into similar things at Chinese restaurants. I try to order the least processed food (less frying and sauces), and mfp usually has an estimate for it. I'm not always getting the exact calories, but I figure close is better than nothing. Be clear and polite when you order, I have found that wait staff really doesn't think I'm being difficult. Chains are easy, but local restaurants are even more flexible and helpful. In some ways I find traveling easier than being home. I don't have to shop and prepare. Just choose and order. I keep "emergency rations" (apple, fiber bar, banana, small pack of nuts) with me at all times. Best of luck to you!
  • Fit_in_Folsom
    Fit_in_Folsom Posts: 220 Member
    I travel right now 50%. Right now, my travel is driving from California to Nevada and at a hotel for a week, then back. I bring a ton of my own food when I go by car....I bring Svelette protein shakes, home made roasted nuts (healthy), fruit, veggies, etc. Also, lots of water and Lara bars for snacks. As an example, today I have had a Lara Uber bar for breakfast and a Kombucha to drink. For lunch and dinner, if I am solo, I drive to a Whole Foods and eat at their food buffet (Huge salad bar) or go and get Sushimi. If going with others for dinner, i just ask for a grilled chicken breast and veggies.

    Hope that helps!
  • butterrum13
    butterrum13 Posts: 77 Member
    Following - I'm headed on a 3 day trip next month as well! How does everyone handle cocktail receptions?
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    First and formost, I pack my running shoes and make sure to hit the hotel gym, even if it's a 30 minute walk on the dreadmill.

    I also pack a ton of snack bars (luna bars, clif bars, whatever) and nuts so I have something fairly healthy on hand if I get hungry or for breakfast (why do they always have pastries or donuts for breakfast?). Or I run by the local market and pick up some fruit for the same purpose (I have a funny reputation amongst my co-workers as the snack girl...I have to have my snacks)

    As far as eating out, I just try to pick something that looks healthy on the menu. And like the above poster said, you can always make special requests. Are far as estimating calories, I try to find something similar in the database in order to log. If you find several items, do not choose the one with the lowest calories. Try to find something mid-range so you're not cheating yourself.
  • animalldy
    animalldy Posts: 140 Member
    Be prepared! I bring lots of protein bars and apples for breakfasts and snacks. I'm usually an evening exerciser but I always wake up early to hit the hotel gym or do a bodyweight workout in my room.

    I buy a salad at my favorite airport restaurant before flights and stockpile a few bananas as well. No cookies or calorie dense drinks on the plane! I choose peanuts and water instead.

    As far as entertaining/social events: no bread, one glass of wine, a few bites of dessert. If lots of drinking I usually switch to seltzer water with a lime (looks like a mixed drink!).

    This is what works for me! I travel at least once a month for work.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    While you can't know exactly how to track what you might order at a non-chain restaurant, you can do a bit of research and have and idea. Let's take your curry example. If you look up healthiest indian food, or something to that effect, you will find some do's and don'ts to help you order something more sessible. You'll get key words to look for in the menu selections that can help guide your choice. The other thing to do is pick something in the MFP log that seems close to what you are eating that's from somewhere else. It won't be exacty, but it will give you a rough idea, which is better than nothing. Most restaurants have the menu available online, so I also find it helps to go in with a plan.
  • amazon62goddess
    amazon62goddess Posts: 17 Member
    I also travel quite a bit and have to face this challenge. Be sure to keep foods around that can help you stay on track (I like Kind granola bars, trail mix, and fruit, such as bananas and cherries). When I do eat at a restaurant, I try to avoid obvious mistakes like cream based anything (dressings, sauces), and stick with baked proteins and steamed veggies as much as possible.

    It's not impossible to track your food when you eat at chain restaurants. Hopefully you are good at estimating quantity and quality of your food in order to at least track something in MFP.

    If all else fails, get back on track when you're back at home :-)

    Good luck!
  • Fit_in_Folsom
    Fit_in_Folsom Posts: 220 Member
    Following - I'm headed on a 3 day trip next month as well! How does everyone handle cocktail receptions?

    Going out for drinks is easier than I thought...I just ask for sparkling water and lime. Tastes good and healthy :)