MARATHONERS: Which pack should I buy?



  • donrdon
    donrdon Posts: 216 Member
    Just to respond to the question you asked, I'd suggest checking out the flip belt. Amazing little catch all. Doesn't hold any hydration bottles but holds just about everything else. As far as all the other suggestions you've received, treat them for thought.
  • HappyRunner34
    HappyRunner34 Posts: 394 Member
    When I trained for my first and only Marathon 10 years ago (have one coming up this June though), my fueling strategy was to stick 10 bucks in my sock and buy Gatorade and chocolate bars from street vendors. Things certainly have it costs $20 and I stick it in a calf sleeve.
  • CathOh
    CathOh Posts: 72 Member
    Runners, I am training for my first marathon and am looking at packs for carrying all my junk. I need a pack that is large enough to carry 6 Larabars (If you don't know what that is, think the size of a protein bar), and possibly my phone. My water belt will hold my phone (barely, but it works).

    What Nathan (or other brand) pack do you wear that holds all your junk but isn't bulky/heavy?

    I have a Deuter Race Expo Air that I use for cycling or running on my commutes to work. It has a mesh back so that air can enter between your back and the pack. It also has padded shoulder straps, and a buckle across the chest and around your waist so it doesn't move and result in chafing. Something like that may suit your needs.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member

    I have the men's version of this. Carries everything I need.
  • johe28
    johe28 Posts: 108 Member
    6 lara bars....that seems like quite a lot!
    Take a packet of mustard for cramping!
    They always have drinks and food along the route, look at your race it should tell you what they are having.
    otherwise, chomps, gu and jellybeans work just as good!
    Good luck!!!
    As for a pack....I use a super small one, so I am no help in that area!

    I have never heard of using mustard. I like that idea!