Just registered for HAlf Marathon Walk

I've been walking a consistent 6-8 km per day for a while now. In May there is a big Marathon in Toronto (Goodlife Fitness) And as part of my fitness goals I've decided to do it as a walk (I may run a portion depending on how my training goes - I'm 53 and was a long time smoker until last summer so It's a gradual thing) I'm currently sitting around 205 pounds this is 2 and a half months out so I'm hoping to be much closer to my goal weight of 165 by then (realistically probably will be 180 or so) For any of you who have been down the route before any tips for a fat out of shape old git :wink:


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    At 53 you're still a kid! :laugh: :laugh:

    Walking was how I started my war against sloth. If you're at 205 and have 10 weeks until the walk figure on losing about 1lb a week (it gets harder as we age, plus I found food tasted so good after I quit smoking) I ended up running my first 5K at 52 and have since moved on to half-marathons & short duathlons / triathlons. My plan is to run my first marathon in Toronto next October

    Biggest tip....keep at it, be consistent, be persistent. Consider adding some strength training to your routine - we start losing about 1% of our lean muscle mass per year after 40 and there have been a number of reputable studies that have clearly shown that many of the health problems suffered as we age can be mitigated through regular exercise including strength training.

    Consider mixing up your exercise as much as possible, I know Rob Ford has a hate on for cyclists but....ride your bike (stay away from his SUV), go swimming if you have access to a pool, dust off your old tennis racquet etc etc.....keep things fun.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    At 53 you're still a kid! :laugh: :laugh:

    Walking was how I started my war against sloth. If you're at 205 and have 10 weeks until the walk figure on losing about 1lb a week (it gets harder as we age, plus I found food tasted so good after I quit smoking) I ended up running my first 5K at 52 and have since moved on to half-marathons & short duathlons / triathlons. My plan is to run my first marathon in Toronto next October

    Biggest tip....keep at it, be consistent, be persistent. Consider adding some strength training to your routine - we start losing about 1% of our lean muscle mass per year after 40 and there have been a number of reputable studies that have clearly shown that many of the health problems suffered as we age can be mitigated through regular exercise including strength training.

    Consider mixing up your exercise as much as possible, I know Rob Ford has a hate on for cyclists but....ride your bike (stay away from his SUV), go swimming if you have access to a pool, dust off your old tennis racquet etc etc.....keep things fun.

    LOL Food tasting good after quitting smoking is partially how I ended up here (the other was a change to a desk job where food is always at hand). You're running the Scotiabank then I guess. Strength training is in the plan (I'm going to check out the Y near work I pass it on my walk home daily) I also will start cycling once the ice clears (I've been run off the road enough that I'd rather have some control;) thanks for the encouragement/advice If I decide running is for me you may see me in October :happy: - as for the weight loss I really started at the beginning of january and am down 14 pounds, I've been targeting 2 per week but i know as I lose that will slow down.
  • My bad that I have to tag on to this thread, but my tablet prevents me from doing so. Either way I for into walking about a year ago, challenging myself to reach for more. Today I attempted my first marathon walk...good news, I got further than I anticipated but not quite the full distance, 22 miles. flat mall walking in decent shoes. My legs hurt towards e last few hours, so I made myself stop. This evening I'm pretty sore, extremely behind my knee...like the bottom of the hamstring and very top of calves. Any one know if this is common, know how to prevent, or what this area is called? I don't think it will prevent me from trying again, thought it could be a lot worse off after attempting it for the first time!
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    I know this is way later but damn I was in agony when I finished that first one. Wrong shoes and socks it was a damp cold day.. I hobbled across the line . Next time I did it in 2016 was much better but still hard. Then I let myself go had Achilles issues etc. I will do he same half this may
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    And stretching is the answer starting long before the marathon . Mall walks are as you said flat . Realistically post walk stretch a long time too. And expect pain
  • fdlewenstein
    fdlewenstein Posts: 231 Member
    I have no suggestions, but I wanted to wish you the best. You are brave and amazing to take this step. Have a positive experience.