Just want to eat...

In March I reduced my calories for the first time to the standard MFP of 1,200. It worked okay for a while - I found it slightly harder during the summer but didn't feel too restricted. In September I went back to school and couldn't cope.. I tried to stick to 1,200-1,500 but I just wanted to eat and eat, going through days of restricting and binging. A few weeks ago I found the 'Eat More to Weigh Less' so I upped my calories to 1,900 a day and started weight lifting, thinking this would help... It hasn't: my need to eat has not gone and I'm struggling to stay within my 1,900 calorie limit... Any advice?


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    You're 18. There's a good chance you're kinda always gonna be "hungry." You may have to learn to listen to different signals.

    Also, are you getting enough fat and protein? If all you're eating is carbs, that can increase the feeling of hunger.
  • blainepoe
    blainepoe Posts: 27 Member
    It probably has a lot to do with what you're eating. What's your typical intake?
  • I'm not an expert, but I'll share what has worked for me. Drink more water! Double that "8 glasses a day" mantra. It doesn't matter if its hot or cold or icy, just force yourself to drink it. Also, don't use any of those crystal light packets. Those are chock full of artificial sweeteners, and while they've pretty much ruled out their contributions to cancer, there is some alarming research that your body treats them like sugar anyways

    Eat more egg whites. If you're in a dorm, get a microwaveable omelette cooker and grab (steal) veggies from the salad bar. A carton costs $3 and will produce a 10 egg white omelette. That's enough for 2 meals, but if your hunger is unbearable, feel free to eat the whole thing. A box of whites is only 270 calories! You can trick your brain because it looks like a crazy amount of food. Also, it is nearly all protein, so you will be satiated longer.

    Finally, carry around 1/4 cup of almonds (unsalted) with you between your classes (about 35 almonds). They are fairly high calorie, but, for some reason, they will nix a grumbling stomach after a few minutes. Just wash them down with a glass or 2 of water.

    I hope this helps! I'm down about 15 lbs since December, and I know these tips have worked for me. Good Luck!