Friends for support and guidance

Hi my name is Jen and I am at the beginning of my journey to lose 170-180 pounds. I am off to a really good start so far. I had it in my mind that I only wanted friends on here that were like me but from the last forum post I now see that having friends who are fit or further along may be a very valuable tool to have. I owuld love any supportive friends who are already fit or who are on their own journey. Thank you in advance!! I am 5'8 and currently at 342.8 my highest weight was 373 so i am making progress but I have a long way to go and I willing to put in work!


  • jamesalytle
    jamesalytle Posts: 112 Member
    smart thinking Jen!
  • kimid123
    kimid123 Posts: 16 Member
    Very smart indeed. There will come a time when you encounter a set back or even a new goal and you might want advice/feedback from those who've already been there!
  • jrwilliams124
    jrwilliams124 Posts: 38 Member
    smart thinking Jen!

    Thank you James!
  • fpelletier
    fpelletier Posts: 365 Member
    Hi Jen!

    Good for you taking control! When I first started I looked for similar people too, moms, that needed to lose like 100 plus, but I ended up with so many other friends that are awesome by doing what you are, accepting others :) I am similar to you but further ahead but still have a long ways to go :) I started out at 330 and now 277 with an ultimate goal to hit 150lbs lost! I have been active on MFP since May of last year, coming up soon on my 1 yr anniversary and hoping to celebrate it at 75lbs gone, I am 19lbs away from that goal right now. Feel free to send a friend request if you'd like. I find myself supportive of all my friends whether it's 5lbs or 100 plus to lose :)