Moms out do you do it?!?!

I had my first baby 4 months ago......still 20lbs from what I weighed before I was pregnant. I don't know how other mothers find time for themselves.....I work full time and my days can start at 4:30 and it can be around 8:30 or 9 when baby is in bed before I get any time for myself....which by then I can barely stay awake! I also am not a very good eater and that is hard for me to change....not that I hate healthy foods but I snack on junk food a lot at work. Would love to get support from others out there.....thanks!


  • amberburke1982
    amberburke1982 Posts: 7 Member
    I have a two kids, one turned a year yesterday and I am still not at my pre-baby weight so dont let that get you down !! the only time i have time to work out is on my lunch break (1 hour) is that possible ? it has helped me a lot also just dont buy the junk snacks go to the store and only buy healthy stuff, if its not there you cant eat it right ?!?!?!
  • WideAsleepMom
    Hi there, Congrats! I have 2 now. ages 5 1/2 and 2 1/2 so finding time is challenging. My suggestion is find programs you can do with your little one. I did a baby fit class ones a week when my first was born. But the biggest thing now will be about eating well and taking the stairs when you can. Get down and play on the floor with them and dance while holding the baby. You'll be amazed the cardio you can get out of that.

    Good luck!
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    Hi, I am a working mom of 2 boys, who are 7 and 9. I will say it is difficult to find & protect some "me" time. And, it doesn't seem to get easier as the kiddos grow (not for me yet anyway). My advice would be to figure out when in your day you can do something for you....maybe start with planning your meals better with healthier choices and mindful of your total calories; then move on to fitting in a walk etc. It is also tougher if you are not getting a good night's sleep....little ones seem to prevent this at times. LOL
    You can do it!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I put a gym in my basement because it took an act of Congress to get to the actual gym, between working full time and being a single parent to 3 kids who all have their own activities to go to.

    I'm not a morning person so I work out either in the afternoon or the evening, after homework, dinner, and sports/other is done.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Take it easy on yourself! Adjust to motherhood first. It takes time. It took 9 months to grow a baby; give yourself at least that to get your body back.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I make time. I have 4 kids and I go to the gym in the morning.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Where's dad? My wife and I have an almost 4 y.o. and an 18 m.o. We swap out duties in order to give each other time to take care of ourselves. Example, tonight is my night to pick up the kids from day care while my wife goes to the gym. I will get them their dinners, get them their baths and into PJs, etc. I will get my 18 m.o. into bed and tucked in while my eldest gets to stay up a little longer. I will also get dinner going so that when my wife gets home all she needs to do is tuck my almost 4 y.o. in and read him a story and then we can sit down and eat together.

    She will essentially do the same for me tomorrow.