Need hel refiguring out my activity level

I'm set to sedentary right now and I add all of my exercise (walks and workouts)

I'm wondering if I should bump my level up to lightly active. I started to walk in the morning to got work and after work (40 minutes total at 3.5-4mph) and I go for two 15 minutes brisk walks during my breaks at work. I also go for a 30 minutes-40 minutes brisk walk in the evening. I have a desk job. I now average 12 000-18 000 steps a day (without the workouts, just the walks and my steps during the day)

I also do 45 minutes-75 minutes workouts 6 days a week (strength training and turbo fire)

What would be the best way for me to log?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    If you want to include all of your activity, this is called the TDEE method and you should use an actual TDEE calculator and then just customize your goals here. It will be more accurate than trying to configure your activity level here as this is a NEAT method calculator...for example, with MFP I would need to set my numbers to active for them to work...with a TDEE calculator I am somewhere between light and moderate active.

    Either way, it's only a starting'll have to make real world adjustments either way. I personally like this calculator...
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I'm set to sedentary right now and I add all of my exercise (walks and workouts)

    I'm wondering if I should bump my level up to lightly active. I started to walk in the morning to got work and after work (40 minutes total at 3.5-4mph) and I go for two 15 minutes brisk walks during my breaks at work. I also go for a 30 minutes-40 minutes brisk walk in the evening. I have a desk job. I now average 12 000-18 000 steps a day (without the workouts, just the walks and my steps during the day)

    I also do 45 minutes-75 minutes workouts 6 days a week (strength training and turbo fire)

    What would be the best way for me to log?

    Re: steps......activity level would look like this chart. The calories given for activity level is much less than calories given for brisk it should be. More calories are burned when you are walking quickly than are burned when you are walking slowly.

    <5000 steps/day may be used as a sedentary lifestyle
    5000-7499 steps/day is typical of daily activity might be considered low active
    7500-9999 likely includes some volitional activities considered somewhat active
    10,000 steps/day indicates the point that should be used to classify individuals as active
    >12500 steps/day are likely to be classified as highly active

    You can log brisk walks as workouts......just be sure that you are not double counting (with activity level) and keep in mind MFP estimates are "generous"
  • mel4bee
    mel4bee Posts: 225 Member
    What would you say my TDEE activity level would be???
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    What would you say my TDEE activity level would be???

    Find your BMR - lowest you should ever go......then figure your TDEE (including) exercise......take a % off of that.
  • mel4bee
    mel4bee Posts: 225 Member
    I know but I don't know if I would be moderate active or active...
  • carlallen56
    carlallen56 Posts: 3 Member
    Just a thought, but I generally assume that "activity level" looks at your lifestyle apart from your deliberate exercise. You say you have a desk job, and for most people that would mean they are sedentary. That might not be true, though, if you had a small child that keeps you very active after work. And your own behavior style makes a big difference. Some people are constantly in motion, even when seated. Others just relax into their chairs and move only when needed. If you are more like the former, you could be at least in the "light activity" area. In any case, whatever you are doing has been successful, so congratulations! :-)