Bad knees

I used to be a runner in my twenties and early thirties - then my knees began giving me a lot of pain. Then I gained a lot of weight that I'm really trying to lose. FIVE surgeries later, I still really miss running. I think it's a cruel joke to love running and not be able to do it. I'm curious to know if any of you have serious knee issues but still run, despite the pain. Any success stories?


  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I started jogging only in the last few months. Before that I did mostly exercises DVDs or cardio machines. I use a knee brace when I run. That helps me. I re-read your post again and I should say I don't have serious knee problems. Just minor twinges here and there. I can see how you would miss something that was once a big part of your life.
  • dacspace
    dacspace Posts: 109 Member
    I've had five knee surgeries myself and while I don't love running, I still do it, albeit a slow jog. It probably isn't great for my knees but I find that as long as I don't go too hard, I don't have many issues. Any pain seems to be helped by ibuprofen. Swelling (happens in rt knee after any sort of cardio) is alleviated by icing it afterwards.

    I do remember my ortho telling me that pavement is the worst for your knees so maybe a "cushy" gym/school track would be more beneficial.

    You might just give it a try and see how it goes. Maybe be a bit proactive and use a compression wrap... and have ice pack/ibuprofen on standby! :tongue:
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    I no longer run (havent in years now) but would jogging in a swimming pool help you at all? Even if it is just to get you started again.
  • shano25
    shano25 Posts: 233 Member
    I'm not a runner but I have bad knees that have been giving me problems since I was 12 years old and a figure skater. I kind of accepted I would always have problems but then I started yoga (Bikram specifically) and my knees are stronger. There are so many things I couldn't do before that I can now. Squats and lunges don't give me problems and I don't have the lingering pain after I workout anymore.
  • mjcongleton
    mjcongleton Posts: 9 Member
    Interesting you asked this now. I have only had one knee surgery. In my left knee I'm missing my ACL, 2/3 of my medial meniscus, and 1/3 of my lateral meniscus.

    That said, I had my joint pop out of place on January 6th while skating. I'm not having surgery to fix the ACL.

    For me I started working with a personal trainer (find a good one), to strengthen the muscles effecting my knee. Things have really gotten better too. I have a ways to go, but I can do things I couldn't just two months ago. Time will tell if the training makes for a more stable knee

    As for running, yeah, I could, but to be honest, I enjoy mountain hiking, mountain biking and inline skating much more than running, and they are all easier on the knees.

    So yes, I've seen people with pretty messed up knees run, but I'm taking a different course and I'm just engaging in knee friendly activities.

    Maybe that helps?
  • Jodeshood
    Jodeshood Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone. This absolutely helps! I heard of a downhill skier in the Olympics who had nine surgeries. Yet she still does it! Crazy. :)