Inspiration and Accountablity

Hey all. Name is Heather and I'm a 24 year old Dental Hygiene student in Mississippi. My last birthday, I looked in the mirror, REALLY looked in the mirror and was disgusted. Not with my body, but with myself and what I had let happen to myself. I was never the skinny friend. Always the 'thick' friend. About 20 lbs from being considered completely overweight but always more than what my height allows for. Before my 21st bday I lost about 30lbs and was feeling good. Gained it ALL back plus more over the next year and half. Now I'm ready. 2months into the mental change I'm down 14lbs and over 15inches. I feel good, today I looked in the mirror and thought I LOOKED good. Just looking for some friends that have the same vision I do. Want to create a healthy LIFESTYLE not just a quick fix. Soo message me, IG me, add me here. Let's do it together!!!