What could I add to my routine?

I decided to drop body pump for two reasons: 1) I've never lifted anything before in my life and they are insisting I MUST start out bench-pressing 20 lbs--no thanks, and 2) Spin 2-3 times a week plus something else will, I'm sure, still allow me to lose the 5-10 pounds I want in two months' time.

So...what else could I add? My schedule is wonky due to school and work, but so far I have spin on Tuesday and Thursday nights, and am thinking of adding a third on Saturday mornings at 8:30 (ouch).

There's yoga on Tuesday mornings at 8:30, but would that be too much for one day? Yoga classes are also available on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm.

I also want to try Zumba, but they only have that on Tuesday nights (when I have cycling). Monday nights are out for sure because I have class until 8:00. On Fridays, the only classes offered are body pump, which is totally out.

Any other suggestions?


  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Well you need some strength training in there somewhere - so bodypump would have been a good idea. Just hit the weights for 45 minutes 2-3x a week.
  • StatutoryGrape
    The problem I have with body pump is that the guy I talked to (who runs the classes) seemed to disregard my statement that I have never lifted, ever. "Oh, you'll catch up." Um...I think I need some basic one-on-one training on technique, etc. first so I don't hurt myself! Haha. Throwing me into a class with people who have been doing it for a minimum of six months and telling me I'll catch up to them and figure it out on my own seems counterproductive.

    I think I'll do light weights and stuff at home 2-3x a week (my fiance said he's going to hold me to it) in place of body pump.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Maybe you could get a lifting workout DVD or something to guide you when you're home. I do Chalean Extreme 3 times a week for weight training (plus the Chalean and Turbo Fire cardio DVDs out there), but there are tons of other strength training DVDs. Biggest Loser and Jillian Michaels have several that were well reviewed (I did the Shred myself and it was great). That way you can watch someone for form and get in all your muscles for training. There's a new Jillian Michaels DVD, Shred It With Weights, that sounds like it might work well for you.
  • StatutoryGrape
    Thanks for the recommendation! I'll be sure to check it out. :)
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    The fact that you've never lifted doesn't mean you can't start now. Also, if he wanted you to start off by benching 20 pounds then I would say he didn't disregard your statement at all. He's trying to start you off light so you can work your way up...which is exactly what he should do.

    My suggestion is to get back into the Body Pump class, but tell the guy you may need some extra attention until you're sure you have the form right.
  • StatutoryGrape
    It's just not something I'm comfortable with, period...I think that's the problem. I'm way more interested in cardio and building endurance (especially since my lungs suck) than lifting, which I have absolutely zero interest in. Losing a few pounds is an added bonus. My goal at this point is to get in better shape, which to me means endurance. And I'm sure I'll lose some weight along the way. :)