newbie here

Hey everyone, Im new to this site, I have been using the USDA supertracker before now. I have been eating healthfully (i love food) for about 6 months now.

I wasnt trying to lose weight, but the diet my doctor prescribed for my GERD had the side effect of weight loss. So I went from 183 to 155 in those 6 months. I eat lighter and i excersize several days a week. I dont own a scale, but I am interested in seeing if I can get into a healthy BMI range. I am 5'5, 26 years old, and 155 lbs. I was a size 16, Im wearing a 12 now.

my diary here is open, and my days are typical of what i have written. I eat breakfast at 7 am, lunch at 11, a snack at 2ish, and dinner at 5-5:30. I eat nothing after dinner/dessert as that causes heartburn for me.

I excersize almost daily, i do yoga(on DVD), aerobics (on DVD), I walk my dog at a good fast pace (she is a great dane ya'll, that is a workout), and I am a clean freak with two small children, so that keeps me moving too.

I have a low income, so you'll see I eat out once per week max, and we eat alot of alternate sources of protien (fish, beans,eggs) as opposed to beef. I cook most meals, but I keep a few things in the freezer in case I just dont want to cook.

We eat alot of produce, and I buy what is fresh and in season. (cheaper that way) So alot of cabbage, potatoes, squash and carrots lately! I also buy frozen fruit and veggies on sale, and we eat fruit or veggies with every meal.

Nice to meet everyone!