So what do you log for food on pig-out days?



  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I was just thinking how CRAZY my food diary is going to be when I do my half marathon. Granted I'll have calories out galore, but still... Woo...that's going to be one day in the red for the record books I'm sure. (Only saying that because my sister has decided she (and I'm assuming my running buddy's partner) are going to "plan something celebratory" and knowing her, I have a sneaking suspicion I know what it's going to be...and it involves lots of food.)
  • Lithuria
    I log absoloutely everything. If I can't remember the exact ammount, I estimate, then I add about half of that on top because I know I'll surley underestimate. It's safer, in my opinion, to over estimate than under estimate.

    As for parties with a bit of this and a bit of that, honest to God it's just a case of trying to remember what this or that is ^_^ sorry, I wish it was easier but it really isn't!