Crappy day Came here for insperation

My name is Jacob. Weight has been an issue most of my adult life. I'm 5'11 my peak was 264 I'm currently at 240. My cousin is a personal trainer and after talking with me a month ago he insisted that I come do weight training twice a week with him. He is doing this free of charge and is very supportive and really its been just a great blessing to have him help me this past month. He says he wont let me quit until we hit my goal weight of 190 and says he will work with me after that as long as I'm willing to let him. I do cardio 3-4 days a week on my own then Weight train with him twice a week but his training for me is geared for weight loss and the workout intensity has just been awesome!

Today I just had a crappy day. I felt super weak and I was just real disappointed with my self. He could tell I was pissed at myself and assured me I was doing more reps with more weight and shorter rest times but for some reason it just didn't feel like a good workout. I feel super crappy about it because he shows up on his own time to help me and I feel like I need to bring my best to make it worth both of our time.

Reading through all the success stories here and seeing the life changing pictures helps me feel better for some reason. So thank you to those that share their story!


  • lisatrish
    lisatrish Posts: 123 Member
    Don't feel to bad we all have our down days what matters is that tomorrow you come back and try again to give it your best. You have made great progress and I think it's wonderful that you have someone like your cousin to help out. As a trainer I'm sure he has seen others have crappy days but he knows its what you do in the long haul that really counts.
  • ShredEdde
    ShredEdde Posts: 21 Member
    Everybody bonks now and again… Shake it off and keep at it!
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member

    It does not sound to me that you in any way bonked out. Do you think that maybe you are being too hard on yourself? If a professional trainer (and I don't car if they are your cousin) says you are doing well, then you are! Smile about that! It is tough enough doing the whole weight management, good eating, etc. without feeling bad when we shouldn't. And I say this from experience! So good luck with your goals. Sounds like you've got a great start going!
  • 10nacityLex
    10nacityLex Posts: 16 Member
    You are doing so well. Don't let one day ruin all your efforts. Besides the basics of eating right, drinking enough water and having your rest days (which are important), don't forget to add multivitamins with iron solely for the active person. It happened to me then I came across an article in Oxygen magazine talking about how sometimes people working out over look the iron levels needed for your body maintain the extra workload. Well, I readjusted my vitamin intake and I am back with more energy and less fatigue than before. Let me know how it works out for you. :smile:
  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    I read success stories every day, it keeps me on my path. Today tired and had hardly any energy, but I did my daily 3 miles walk and ate decently . Coming to the end of my work day I am still tired but I feel good and I'm proud of myself. Some days are harder than others. Just do the best you can and look forward to tomorrow.
  • MaretL
    MaretL Posts: 50 Member
    Totally agree with all these positive posts. Everybody has low days and just the fact that you didn't stay in bed to feel sorry for yourself but did a great workout shows what kind of a determined and strong person you are! And I am absolutely sure that your cousin saw it as well. Be proud of yourself, you are doing great on a day like this, I can only imagine what you are able to do on your good days!!
  • deviant_illusion
    deviant_illusion Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you everyone for the supportive words!