Need dinner help from folks with kids

cardbucfan Posts: 10,435 Member
Hi all, this is my first post but I've been "lurking" for about a month. I'm trying really hard to lose the 15 pounds that sort of crept up on me over the last year and I'm doing O.K.. (Down about 3.5 lbs.) My problem is dinner. I have 2 very active teenage boys (as well as a husband who could stand to lose a few) so I have to have dinners that are healthy for all of us but have the fat, carb and calorie needs that the boys have to have (they are competitive swimmers and practice for at least 90 minutes every day-sometimes more). I'm running out of ideas and getting so bored! And I know that path leads to mass quanities of pasta (my weakness). I'm looking for suggestions for things besides grilled/broiled/baked protein, veggies and a salad. Help!!


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    well, like you said, salad. It only takes a minute to throw together, and you can have slivered almonds (or other nuts), or cheese on it instead of croutons. Throw in some hard boiled egg and/or grilled chicken breast, and you have a meal. Our menu here is pretty simple, and usually kid friendly. Tonight we're having hot dogs (Oscar Mayer 98% fat free on Sara Lee 80 cal buns), last night was potato bar (baked potato with chili & cheese), and we usually have chicken stir fry at least once a week. Other ideas are fajitas, grilled bruschetta chicken (super easy), chili, fish, and stew. If I can't make it in 1/2 an hour, I won't cook.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    We like to do homemade pizzas--we make individual ones for my husband, myself, and each of the kids. We load on calorie-heavy food for the kids (my daughter is a competitive dancer and gymnast and burns a LOT of calories!) and then less for us. I usually use dough for everyone else's but a tortilla for mine. 1 tortilla is 150 calories, then I use 1/4 cup of cheese (110 cals), 7 pepperonis (80 cals) and then I dip it into pizza sauce (35 cals for 2 tbs, although I never use all of it). It's filling, fast and it can be tweaked for each family member's likes and dislikes.
  • sazziecee
    Lean Beef Spaghetti Bolognese ( measure out your pasta, let the boys have more)
    Lean beef or turkey mince cottage pie with lots of veg
    A tomato based chicken or prawn curry with plain steamed rice
    I agree with Fajitas, we all love them here
    A Roast dinner? make your roast potatoes in the oven with spray oil and remove skin/fat from your meat, serve with plenty of veg
    Lean Beef chilli con carne and rice
  • moon2010
    Fajita Bar

    Sprouted corn / whole wheat tortillas
    Black beans
    Chix / Beef / Seasoned Baked Tofu
    Sauteed bell peppers / onions / mushrooms
    Fresh tomatoes, lettuce, avocados
    Cheese / Sour Cream
    Mango Salsa
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    stop by my menu/recipe blog and see what we have eaten for the last year. i'm pretty sure it will give you some ideas. :)
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,435 Member
    Thanks for the tips. Love the pizza on a tortilla idea and I'm definitely going to check out godblessourhome's blog. I need to find a way to get more fish in but I hate fish!